is it the best? i heard that there is a really good fish food that the fishes can eat all at once in less than a minute cause it's tasty but he never told me the name of it lol
I use Omega One. Check out the ingredients and compare to Tetramin. Omega One is all natural. Fishies go berserk every time I approach the tank thinking they're getting more.
If you're feeding a betta, I've had most my success with Hikari.
I also use Hikari's sinking wafers with shrimp meal for the clown loaches (if they're not gorging on snail eggs)
And for my Mr. Plecostomus... he adores his algae cookies from HBH. I only found this brand in one shop. It's not so easy to find, but he sure likes them.
As for flake food, it's been YEARS since I used that! Last time when I was about 9, before all my fish died and I gave my aquarium up to an axolotl for 13 years.
Want a good laugh?? I used to feed my fish "Long Life" brand flake food! LOL Anyone else remember those products? They made cotton for those corner filters as well... remember the pac-man fish?