What Would You Do With My Tank?


Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Uk, Nottinghamshire
Normally I don't post threads like these... But partly cause I need a revision break and partly cause I'm running low on inspiration I wanted some other peoples opinions.

The tank is an Aqua60, relatively cubey 60l tank. Background is black and the substrate is a black sand mix.

My current plan is to rehome the ram and BN's and then to up the temperature to 28C and add a pair of F1 GBRs.
I would then add: Cardinal tetra, Ruby tetra, or Green neon tetra. Starting with a group of 5 and then adding to the group as and when I lose my rasbora to old age. (Or I will rehome the rasbora if I find someone who already has a group and who wants them). Eitherways the final group would be 8-10 depending on which tetra I went with.

I would also be adding a small group of ottos, not picked an actual type of Otos yet.

All in all this should give me a true biotope (ish) at least on the fauna side. I will switch over the plants to be true to biotope overtime.

What would you do with my tank?
Forgive me if I'm wrong but the upper limit of Bristlenose Plecos is considered to be around 26 deg. C. Although 2 degrees difference doesn't sound a lot, it does make a big difference for fish. I've not had much experience with BN Plecos in warmer climes so I may or may not be feeding you a load of rubbish :p personally I keep my tank (with the BN) at a constant 24.5 deg. C

I'd be interested to know whether they're OK in slightly warmer waters though so I'll look forward to some feedback :)

EDIT: Sorry! I mis-read your post. Thought you were rehoming a bristlenose TO the tank you were increasing the temp of :blush: my bad...
I thought Otocinclus were all low end tropical catfish, not high end like GBR? I'd look at one of the "Giant Oto" species like Hypoptopma, some of which are high end tropical.
No problem. Just for the record I do completely agree with you on the temperature front. Mine are at 25C now but I wouldn't put them any higher than that.

I thought Otocinclus were all low end tropical catfish, not high end like GBR? I'd look at one of the "Giant Oto" species like Hypoptopma, some of which are high end tropical.

So did I until I started exploring the biotope of the GBR. I've read several things that have listed certain otos as coming from the same area. And we're not talking same area but in a cool dark rock pool. We're talking hot sunny 'shallow' pools that are properly pea soup green with algae.

Obviously they're not from exactly the same water, GBR's being from relatively clear shallow sandy/mulchy rivers and otos from super green pools... but the temperature and ph range matches.
Where is your tank? Is it with you at Uni or at home?

Just offering to take the harlequins if you can't find someone to take them (already have 12), but if you're on the other side of the country then it would be a bit silly really...
At Uni with me :D I'm thinking Nottingham might even be my permanent home once I graduate if I can find a job here next year... but we'll see.

Thanks for the offer though. I'm not in any rush to get this moving, it's going to be mid summer before I have the money to go buying new fish anyways. I just like to plan ahead. :)

Oh and just incase anyone is curious its: Otocinclus huaorani and Otocinclus vittatus from the similar areas so used to similar temperatures as the GBRs.
I've just come up with a new plan. It's something I've wanted to do for ages but had forgotten about :D I think I'm going to order some killifish eggs and raise them. I've raised rasbora fry so hopefully it shouldn't be too difficult. Also it fits my current stock much better.

I will either up the numbers of rasbora or take Caz up on her lovely offer and then replace them with a different shoaler. Then rehome the ram and 1 BN.

That will leave me with 1 shoal of small dither fish and 1 BN. Plenty of space for raising some killies. I'll have to probably up to twice weekly changes if alot survive but any 'extras' will be rehomed once they're a saleable size.

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