What Would Be A Good Tank For This Stocking?


Fish Crazy
Feb 19, 2014
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i dont have much to say but i really want all 3 of these fish i want a trimac cichlid a saddled bichir and a alligator pleco what would be a good size tank for this stoking and what filtration should i use for it and remember i am a kid so i do have big price limit keep that in mined so the biggest tank i would be able to get s maybe maybe a 90 to 100 gallon tank but what is a minimum for this stocking.   
For the trimac and the plec, you'd need a tank that's a minimum of 48"x18"x18".
The saddled bichir is really not a fish you should think of keeping, tbh. They can grow to over three feet long! You would need a massive tank for that.
Why don't you try a smaller bichir like a delhezi? :)
Ninjouzata said:
Why don't you try a smaller bichir like a delhezi?
i like them but i was hoping i could get a saddled they are my fave type of bichir i love that awesome look they have.
fluttermoth said:
For the trimac and the plec, you'd need a tank that's a minimum of 48"x18"x18".
The saddled bichir is really not a fish you should think of keeping, tbh. They can grow to over three feet long! You would need a massive tank for that.
so i could do the trimac and the pleco in a 75 gallon tank and could i fit a smaller type of bichir?
What would be the dimensions of the 75 gallon? Dimensions are really more important than volume when you're talking about big fish.
fluttermoth said:
What would be the dimensions of the 75 gallon? Dimensions are really more important than volume when you're talking about big fish.
yup but mine is 18ins wide 20ins tall and 48ins long so could i put a smaller type of bichir with the trimac and pleco?
Size wise, that would be okay, but I'm not sure if the trimac wouldn't be too aggressive for the bichir. The plec would probably be all right, but trimacs are not a fish I know much about.
fluttermoth said:
Size wise, that would be okay, but I'm not sure if the trimac wouldn't be too aggressive for the bichir. The plec would probably be all right, but trimacs are not a fish I know much about.
ok cool i will do more research and then one day do it and my you tube buddy has a trimac and it is super tame and lets him pet it and he wants to breed it and plan to buy from him do you think that because the dad was tame and nice would that give the baby a bigger chance of being like to?
It might give it a better chance of being friendly towards you, but will have no effect on whether it's friendly towards other fish!
fluttermoth said:
It might give it a better chance of being friendly towards you, but will have no effect on whether it's friendly towards other fish!
ok cool he has his in with a baby rio mag umbi and they are doing fine and a pleco

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