What Will These Guppies Fry Look Like?


New Member
Jun 21, 2012
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What will the fry of these look like, the ones in my picture? i have 3 females that all look like the blue on in this, poor photo quality but the blue is darker. would just like to know what they will look like. thanks :)


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They'll probably come out looking more like the orange male, as his coloring is a dominant color (They're most common in pet stores) Unless you have Russian Blue females, which your female in the picture doesn't look to be.

I have a blue guppy female, the blue in her fins is very pretty. She dropped fry, which I raised and gave away, only a few of the 15 fry showed any blue (As in 3 of them did, but man were they pretty) the rest were yellow and black like the daddy, still pretty :)
I've found with fry they tend to inherit they're parents colour of the same gender.
ie: orange male + yellow female = orange fry male or yellow fry female
Obviously its all to do with genes but this is just what is most common for me

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