What Type Of Algae Is This?


Jan 8, 2014
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So I've been attempting to grow some algae in a contain on my window for for my tiger nerite. Every algae I have ever seen has been green (be it from my tank, from a lake, or even from a pool) so I was surprised when I looked in the cup to see brown stuff had grown. So my question is is this brown algae safe for my nerite to graze on? It looks like regular algae just brown instead of green
Looks a little like start of BBA but difficult to tell from that pic.
Have a look at this site, may help you identify that algae.
Although having said that, some nerite snails do eat BBA.
Sorry I couldn't geta better pic ( all I have is my phone). It does look like tha BBA it is sage to put in my tank and try right? Also aby ideas on how to get the green algae?
BBA is safe to put in tank but would not recommend that as it grow pretty rapidly in right conditions and can be difficult to get rid of.
Will spread to plants and decor, may be unsightly.
Would maybe try again? maybe with sheet of glass in shallow container, or something and constant sunlight on windowsill should grow normal algae?
Am about to try this myself and see if that works, also for my nerite snail too 
From my knowledge of BBA it tends to prefer higher levels of CO2 so I'm surprised if it will grow in a cup on a windowsill.
BBA is very distinctive, short little tufts of black bristles.
Okay. I'll probably try again. I just put declorinated in a cut with two smooth rocks. I'll try taking tank water out and do that next time.

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