What Tropical Fish I Have, And What I Can Add To Them.


New Member
May 30, 2013
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Hi guys and gals, I have just joined this site so sorry if this in the wrong place.

I currently have Angfish, tiger barbs, mollys and silved sharks.

What bright colour fish can I add to this tank as its for my children so I dont really want any more orange fish or dark/dull coloured fish.

Any help would be very greatfull.

How big is your tank, OP, and is your water hard or soft?
I think they ment litre/gallon wise?
drakey1987 said:
It's about. 1.5m long 1m high and 0.7 wide. And my water is soft
Are you sure it's 1m high?

techen said:
I think they ment litre/gallon wise?
If the original poster got the measurements correctly, then he is talking about a 1050litre(277G) tank!!!
According to a calculator sites it is 1050 litres which doesn't sound quite right me, should of realised that's what you mentioned its been a long day so far so my bad. 
Im sure of the measurmemts just measured it now
Sheeeesh, That's a big tank. Give us pics??
First I'd remove the sharks. They'll eat mostly everything in that tank once they grow up.
Google clown loaches, There orange and black and very playful. You could get a large shoal of them.
i thought that too but it was free so no complaining on my end. Will get a pic up once I have got the ornaments and stuff etc in. I do like the clown loaches but im not sure if I want any more orange based fish, as I was hoping to get lots of groups of different colors. I would get rid of the sharks but the kids love them and they are getting on with the rest of my fish for now haha 
If you want to keep the sharks you'll need to remove everything.
Shark only tanks are the way to go and they'll grow over a foot long in a tank that size. Meaning any fish smaller than it is lunch to them.
Your starting tank is 277g, wow! Imwould get rid of the sharks, and that would leave you open for a lot of fish. Tiger barbs are agressive, and Angels will prey on neons and possibly on other small tetras.
Are you just measuring the glass or are you taking in the total height of the cabinet and hood as well with the meter tall? Its just an unusual measurement thats all...
Sorry for taking a while to reply been really busy with work. If i remove the sharks what colorfull fish I bring in to the tank?

Wills: yep the measurements are the tank itself no stand or hood.
Swordtails come in many colors, as well as rainbow fish. Google Bosemani Rainbows. You could also look into Turquoise. They would fit in that sized tank nicely. :)

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