What To Feed My 12 Hrs Old Molly Fry


New Member
Feb 26, 2012
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I am not sure which kind of food i feed them all i have is tropical pellets and freeze and dried tubiflex worms.As i read over google to feed crushed flakes which are rarely found here i mashed up the pellets in powder and dropped into the bowl which i separated the fry from my 15 gallon tank which consists molly parents.I find that the baby fry aren't this must be something due to their egg sac so they are not hungry.Am i doing something wrong.PLS help.

Thank you :lol:
you can crush flakes up but they will have to be into a powder. Alternatively you can buy either liquifry or a fine powdered baby food which is specially designed for fish under 1cm
you can crush flakes up but they will have to be into a powder. Alternatively you can buy either liquifry or a fine powdered baby food which is specially designed for fish under 1cm

cannot find any crushed flakes near my locality as they are very rare.the shop guy suggested to feed em crushed pellet food granules.
If your fry are still carrying a yolk sac, they are a bit premature. They will not show much interest in food until that yolk sac is gone.

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