What To Feed Breeding Kribs?


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
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Ok, I have a pair of yellow finned Kribs (I don't know what kind they are), they have spawned once but ate the spawn. I was wondering what would be the ideal foods to feed them? There water temp is at 80, everything is good for breeding. What should I feed them to get frequent spawns? Oh and they are in a 20g, but I was wondering can they go in a 10g? I won't move them into a smaller tank, just wondering :)
Live blackworms, frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, a good cichlid flake or pellet and I like to add spirulina flake to all my fishes diets. I've kept a pair in a ten, but its not the best. Whatever size tank you use, be sure there are plenty of hiding spots for the female should the male turn on her.
Live blackworms, frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, a good cichlid flake or pellet and I like to add spirulina flake to all my fishes diets. I've kept a pair in a ten, but its not the best. Whatever size tank you use, be sure there are plenty of hiding spots for the female should the male turn on her.

Ok, I needed to order live blackworms today anyway. Ok, I have caves for them and all that stuff :) How long will it take for them to spawn again usually? They get fed x2 a day with bloodworms and tetracolor mix.
My female is just getting ready to spawn again after 3 weeks from her last batch :good:

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