What To Feed Assassin Snails


Fish Fanatic
Jul 20, 2014
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Most of my pest snails have gone now.
Now I know me Assassins will feed on bits and bobs of left over food from me Guppies but I'm thinking this may not be enough.
What is the consensus of members to what I should feed me Assassins to keep them healthy and happy?
Well, as you already mention they will happily feed on any leftover foods and will feed on some algae.

I add algae wafers from time to time, the assassins, as well as the shrimps, seem to love this stuff :)

And lastly, sometimes I'll get some free pest/pond snails from LFS and I put these in the tank as a treat for the assassins, not often though, maybe once every 3 or 4 months.
I let any hitchhiker snails that came in on plants grow a bit in the 30L tank and when they are too big they'll go in the 60L with the assassins.
However most of the time they just graze on what's at the bottom of the tank and sometimes bury deep into the substrate for ages (weeks sometimes months) then come out much bigger than when they went in.
I've found a couple of empty assassin snail shells in me tank. Up to now I haven't been feeding them anything but leaving them to eat left overs from me guppies. Could it be the case they are turning on themselves as an easy food sours? 
I think its fairly rare for assassins to turn to own species as food source as they will quite happily graze on algae and leftover fish foods.

Think perhaps more likely starved or water parameters though your fish are fine presumably so probably not water quality.

It does happen unfortunately and is part of fishkeeping, keep an eye on your assassins just to be sure.

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