What To Do?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2013
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I have a 64L tank and a 28L tank running. The larger tank has my 3 glow tetra's in, who were basically forced to the back of the tank by one silver tipped tetra and never ever were allowed to the front of the tank. Because of this they were not feeding properly and just hovered in one corner all the time. I put the 2 tetras into the smaller tank and was going to add another 4 to keep a minimum 6 but now I am worried that this tank will be too small for active fish. Can anyone advise?


well youll need a bigger tank for all of your fish as they need shcools of 6 each and the tank wont be big enough.
We were robbed !! The pet shop said we would have no problem keeping 18 fish in this 28L tank....I am beginning to wonder why they would say these things. So based on your "you will need a bigger tank" answer...is there nothing else I can do?
i cant see any other options other than returning them of course.
wow, if the pet store said that then i would buy from them... most likely give them hell on how they don't know what they are doing haha
you can rehome the silver tetra because he should be in a school of his own. and the move the other tetras into the 64 L ... or you can rehome all of the tetras and get smaller sized fish. (adult size) or you can make it into a really cool shrimp tank!!!
The 64 liter tank is kind of small for a school of glow light tetras, maybe you can exchange all your fish for a school of Neons, or Ember Tetras. Or you could go with a nice group of some smaller Rasboras or Celestial Pearl Danios. I always liked the look of those guys, but never had any myself! 
The 28 liter tank would be nice for a single Betta or like suggested a shrimp tank.
Too small for a school of glow light??? Six ?? You have got to be kidding me??
Ok so if 6 glow lights is too many fish to have in a 64L tank, (17 gallons) and it's supposed to be a gallon per fish...= 6 gallons, what am I doing wrong???? Or am I working it out wrong? I can barely see them in all the space as it is LOL
Ok...just seen that you think I have 6 glow lights in my tank and you are saying I need a larger school...ok...gotcha...
The size of adult Glowlight Tetras is 1.5 to 2 inches. But yes, you're right, the minimum tank size seems to be a 10 gallon. Just can't picture those fish in a tank that size. I had different kinds of Tetras before (Black Phantom Tetras, Rummynose Tetras, Neons) and I found them to be quite active swimmers. I had them in 30 gallon set ups. 
Ok, we'll I will work on that one, I would never overcrowd them. I just want them to be happy !! Ok so now the two tetras that are in the 10 gallon tank....will they be ok with just the two of them or do they definitely need to be with more? I feel really bad for them...they are looking at me like I've spanked them for being naughty....lol. I don't want to return them really because when I bought them it was for keeps..... :0(
The 28 litre (7.4 gallon) tank is too small for 6 of them, they say 6 is the minimum number you should keep them in. In their natural habitat they are in groups of hundreds or more. They really like to be in larger groups to feel secure!
Being just the two of them will cause them stress. Stress will lower their immune-system, that could make them more susceptible to illnesses and reduce their lifespan. 
Ok thanks for helping....you know, it really makes my blood boil when the pet stores-who we rely on for their knowledge (we think they have) let us get placed in situations like I am now in when all it takes is a little research. If I worked there, after learning so much in such a short space of time I would ask simple questions to see they know about schooling and temperaments at least!!!....now I really don't know what to do. I've got attached to my silver tips and although they are little buggers I don't want to let them go back to a shop.. :0(
Sadly, you're not the first and won't be the last who has gotten bad advice from an LFS. One positive came from it though, you found this forum. :)
Are you interested in setting up another tank? I guess you could leave those two in the smaller tank until you've got everything together, and then get more of them. I'm a big fan of long tanks, it increases the water surface and gives them more tank length to swim along!
I would have a huge tank if I could but just don't have the space. I love having an aquarium I must say but know I get too attached to them and will get very upset if I lose any. My sister works at a garden centre and when she needed to move house and shut down her aquarium they looked after her fish for her. One was so big, think it was one of those bulgy eyed goldfish, huuuuge thing he was and he has been pampered and displayed for all to see! Anyway she is going to ask them tomorrow if they will take them. They seem happy enough together in their new tank now that they have found their feet so I feel a bit better seeing them eat too.

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