What To Do With My 125L Now.


Jul 14, 2011
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Okay so I have had this tank nearly a year now. I have had some ups and downs. But I am ready to start new. I want to change things up.
I'm thinking of changing to sand substrate.
I'm also wanting to change my filtering system. But my tank is a rio 125? I think. So it has that horrible black box. And I am unsure on removing it... as I know it can be difficult, but not impossible.
Even if I don't do that. I would love some input of what some good filters are. Or how I can better the flow output and have more lower across the bottom. As it is just not good enough for me the way it currently is.
I have two filters running. The original one with a make shift spray bar. And another that keeps the surface rippled.

The tank contains 4 angels. And an odd array of tetra as they have slowly died off due to their age. And one clown pleco.

The tank seems to be cursed as I have had many other fish before and they have not survived. The angels have lasted to longest and when I bought the tank the woman had the same issue. And only angels survived in it.

So what I am planning on is basing my tank scheme around my angels. What more should I add. If anything.
I also would like your input on what more plants I should add. I currently only have Anubias and a crypt of some kind that is now massive as it's like a good 4 years old. The leaves alone are 20 cm in length. And the plant as a whole is just stupidly huge.
But I need some plants that are tall and relatively easy going. I may even look into the co2 adding if it's a must.

I have no idea if I've missed anything of here.
But what I'm basically thinking is to start fresh. I am wanting to rip everything up and do a huge clean and reshape.
My filter media is old. Had it since starting around 4 years ago now. So I'm not too worried about unsettling things to much.
Though if I'm going to be doing a massive rebuild I can temporary house my fish at my local lfs. They are amazing people and fish keepers themselves. And do actually do these things for people.
They even have a qt tank for when they get deliveries separate to their selling tanks. So they don't harm the fish currently in all the tanks.

Anyway I have gone of on one there xD

Throw your ideas at me and experience with these things :D
You can change the substrate to sand quite easily, I did it with my current tank by removing the gravel and replacing it it sand over the course of a week. Back then I did it by the good old rinse the sand in a bucket and lowering it in with a bowl, but there's a method where you can fill up a bottle with sand and submerge it in the tank till it fills up with water then tip it upside down, that way the sand falls out and the dirt remains in the bottle with the water. There's a link on you tube for it.
As for adding a new filter, have you ever considered external filters? I used to have internal ones but all that fiddling in the tank getting my hands in the water and disturbing everything always used to bother me, the external filter is a much easier job and also has a strongooutput flow that it reaches the bottom of the tank to move water around.

For plants, what about vallisneria? Vallisneria gigantea, torta, spiral, any of these are great for angles and grow fast and tall spreading across the substrate, and they grow well in sand :) and no need for co2.
Thank you so much for that video. I shall have a look at getting sand at some point. I'm going to save money and then do this all at once.

Yeah i am on the verge of going external. I know they are better and the flow is much stronger. My problem though is that annoying black box in my tank. I know how to remove it. It's just actually doing it is going to be the hardest part.

Thank you for the plant recommendation I shall look into getting some when the time is here
Excellent link Nic 
I am sorry for the following, but your tank is way to small for keeping angels permanently.
I am waiting to see if a pair develop. They are only young at the moment and a 125 liter tank is large enough.
When I establish a pair the other two will be sold off
So I went into my lfs and of course I haven't been there for a while a D they were like. 'Hello stranger' had a good chat with them and filters and sand and stuff.

I have Crusbh coral sand on order. Arriving tomorrow. So that change will happen on my next day off work.
I have also been watching some plants on eBay.

Also been looking of getting Al for the tank to give it that dark appearance for the angels. Is that natural for them?
I also saw something about blackwater extract should I get some?
So the tank has now been completly revamped.
Here's some photos of the change. And the actual size of the crypt I have!

The old filter box just pulled right off! So easy. But then I dropped the sponges on the floor and made a mess xD

I'll attach the other photos.they are too big to upload

Just after adding the water. Filter wasn't on then.

How much crypt I have after breaking it up



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Those crypts are amazing! I can never get mine to grow much, everything else in the tank seems to explode apart from them! I used to have that filter for my turtles :)
And the tank looks really cool
I've had that plant since it was a tiny little thing in a pot. It got too big for it so I planted it and now 4 years down the line it's still growing like a beast.
Thank you :D it's a 1000l/h filter xD
I've put in some of my old filter media into with the current stuff in it. To help the cycle.
Dosed it once today and got the 3ppm with the one dose
I'll test for nitrites and ammonia again in the morning

Oh and I still have to get some swords and vallis to add. Hopefully this Friday should be able to order some.

Here the tank is 2hrs after being set up with filter running. Looks a bit clearer now :D

Oh and the thermometer is there as the lil suction cup is broke and gone hard so it won't stick to the glass anymore. I do have another though
Looks awesome!! Well done! That crypt is indeed impressive. I just wanted to ask though, (not sure on Angel requirements or your previous water parameters), doesn't coral sand increase the hardness and pH of your water? Honestly not sure on this, so hopefully others will chime in. But, I thought that the coral sands generally increased water hardness and pH, and I thought angels preferred soft water. Just wanted to bring it up, mainly for my own learning.
Tank looks great, wish I could get my crypts to grow like that!!
That is what I thought also. But I was suggested it.
I will keep an eye on it.
But it was previously at 7.4ph if it gets too high I'll have to sort something out.
Bog wood is meant to lower it also.
I will be adding ial also.

The angels I got from my area and we have slightly harder water here. So hopefully it won't bother then too much. Though I will be making sure it isn't stupidly high for them.

I ordered some plants the other day. 
Ordered some java fern and Amazon swords
Still waiting on the swords to arrive. 
But the Moss came today. 
Also went into my LFS and ended up with some MTS  free of charge
and then bought two bunches of vallis. And wow just wow
Moss added
Snails :D There is like 20 of them but looks such a little amount
And the tank now :D i love this so much 

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