What To Do With Molly Fry?


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Hi all,
I'm new to this site but hoping I can get some advice on dealing with Black Molly Fry. My husband brought home four black mollies for the tank and literally overnight we had 25 black mollies. We have 2 tanks. One 20 gal, and a 65 gallon one. So we moved the adult a male Molly over to the big tank and left the three females and the fry in the 20 gal. I expect before the month is out we'll have more mollies. I want to be a responsible fish owner, and my original idea was to move the male fry over as soon as we could tell the boys from the girls. Soon, however, we're going to have more mollies than we have tank space for, even if we catch all the males before they breed.

Any ideas on how to find my fry new homes without resorting to pescide?
Thanks in advance,
  to TFF
Do you have a community tank? If you leave the fry in with other fish they will predate on some of the fry altho a few will learn to swim fast and hide well. Ihave a 60L with platy pair and a few batches of fry but leave them all in the main tank and mama platy gets very hungry after giving birth and keeps the numbers reasonable.
If you can't stand the thought of that - you could negotiate with your LFS though mine won't take them til they are 3-4 months old so that leaves you with the same problem of tank space until they are big enough to sell. The only other way I can think of is to give them away to responsible family and/or friends if you don't want to be buying a new tank every month.
Thanks for the advice---I love your planted tank.  So far my LFS hasn't been interested, but I'm going to talk with another today.   Wish me luck!

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