What The Heck Kind Of Cory Is This?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2011
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ive had this cory for a while. i have 2, and i cannot find them anywhere in the store! when i got them they said they were juli cories but clearly arent. so if you could identify them it owuld be awesome!
looks very similar to my punctatus cory, hope this helps

it does indeed look like a C. Punctatus. If you only have one I would recommend that you get atleast 5 more as they are schooling fish and exhibit the best behaviour in optimal groups around 6+
Thanks! I only have 2. But I want to get more but the stores never have them!
Thanks! I only have 2. But I want to get more but the stores never have them!

hence why i only have one, they are rarely available and seem to sell fairly fast when stores get them in stock
@ jsmeester and

Can you not order them in through your LFS?

I appreciate that it is not the same as seeing them in a tank and then picking the ones you want, but if they go that quick maybe this is the route to go?

Just an update!:
I switched fish from tabk to tank getting every thing almost perfect!
Right now my 75 gal stocking is
6 praecox rainbowfish
1 male dwarf gourami
4 Bolivian rams
11 cories
3 swordtails
2 alb bristlenose plecos male and female
6 lemon tetras.
And 2 angelfish 1 black 1 white with pink fin.

I wi be getting 4 more lemon tetras soon.
Now my problem is angels.
The stores didn't have any angels that were big enough to put with my existing angel eccept the white one. Now I still have to get 3 or 4 more angels! But stores don't get new fish until Thursday. So my question is, will there be any issues with me adding the rest of the Angels I need to get in the tank this coming Thursday even with my 2 existing angels?!
Just an update!:
I switched fish from tabk to tank getting every thing almost perfect!
Right now my 75 gal stocking is
6 praecox rainbowfish
1 male dwarf gourami
4 Bolivian rams
11 cories
3 swordtails
2 alb bristlenose plecos male and female
6 lemon tetras.
And 2 angelfish 1 black 1 white with pink fin.

I wi be getting 4 more lemon tetras soon.
Now my problem is angels.
The stores didn't have any angels that were big enough to put with my existing angel eccept the white one. Now I still have to get 3 or 4 more angels! But stores don't get new fish until Thursday. So my question is, will there be any issues with me adding the rest of the Angels I need to get in the tank this coming Thursday even with my 2 existing angels?!

ideally you would add all angels together.

altering your tank layout will destroy the territories which your current angel fish will undoubtedly have. if problems still persist, such as jaw locking, chasing etc, then you may want to add more features or plants to add more territories. hopefully this will work

i only have 2 angels in my 50gal as i also added one more about two weeks after my first two. however whatever I did I couldnt get them to get along so had to sell the offending angel to lfs.

if you have a breeding pair they will always be more agressive to others so if you do then i would consider not getting any more

hope this helps

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