What The Heck Is This Fish?

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Nov 10, 2013
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Hi, this fish came with a bunch of feeder guppies I bought about a year ago. I have no idea what it is, and Google has not been very helpful. Is it a platy guppy cross? I would just like to know. If anyone could help me, I would appreciate it. image.jpg
I couldn't find any pictures online of either a molly or platy that was colored like this, that's why I thought that it was some sort of cross, as it was in with a bunch of guppies.  Thanks for the input.
never know what kind of colors will pop up, as for the crosses guppies/endlers and mollies will mix, as will sword tails and platies
so it very well could be a guppy molly mix
Where did you get it from?  It definitely looks like a livebearer, though which type is difficult to say.  It looks like it's wild caught.
Dorsal fin and coloration would highly suggest it is a wild molly. They erroneously sell tons of these fish as wild guppies here as feeders for turtles, wartsnakes and small predatory fish. Hey could be as small as a quarter of an inch up to 3 inches long.
I got it at a local pet store when I purchased some new female feeder guppies for my colony.  I have kept her in with the colony, and she follows the other females around.  The males don't even try to breed with her.  I guess she's kind of lucky, lol.  She's a little larger than my largest female guppy at this point.  I would imagine she's adult size due to how long I have had her.  I think she's really pretty neat.  Maybe I should get a male friend for her.
It looks like an immature Limia Grossidens or possibly Limia Nigrofasciata to me.
I'm going to move this thread into Livebearers, and hope that Fish48 or Helterskelter come along soon.
I don't think it's a platy or a swordtail. TLM might well be right with a Limia spp; that's what I was trying to think of, but could only remember Gambusia, and it's not one of those!
It does resemble the Limia spp. I looked at online after reading your comments.  However, I don't understand how one of those made it's way into a tub of feeders.  It's kind of a mystery!
ricefish said:
I would guess at xiphophorus variatus
A normal, wild color form resembles it but dorsal fins will tell otherwise

fluttermoth said:
I don't think it's a platy or a swordtail. TLM might well be right with a Limia spp; that's what I was trying to think of, but could only remember Gambusia, and it's not one of those!
Some gambusias do look like this too but they never grow as long.

Very jumpy fish. Individuals either become peaceful of nippy but they are very good algae-eaters
Rustyshackleford said:
It does resemble the Limia spp. I looked at online after reading your comments.  However, I don't understand how one of those made it's way into a tub of feeders.  It's kind of a mystery!
My seller would usually scoop out a cupful of feeder fish and when you check carefully, there are small green-form swordtails, gambusias, wild guppies, some of that fish, an inch-long silver tilapia looking cichlid and sometimes there are even small halfbeaks lol.

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