What Species Of Fry?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2004
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As i stated in another post,i have fry in my water bucket. They are very small and i'm wondering if there is a way to tell what species they are. The only distinguishing feature are there big "bug" eyes. I suspect that they are Zebra Danios but also could be Cherry Barbs. Also,is there any chance that they may survive in a bucket of water with ground up flakes for food? How fast will they grow? Any help would be appreciated.
You should deffinently put a filter in that. the water needs to be very CLEAN!!!! otherwise the fry will become sick.
Final Dynazty said:
You should deffinently put a filter in that. the water needs to be very CLEAN!!!! otherwise the fry will become sick.
I do have an extra filter but won't it just suck them into it? Should i put something over the opening?

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