What Small Mid Water Fish Do I Get.


Fish Addict
Aug 15, 2014
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i am having trouble deciding on what midwater fish to get for my small fishtank.
How small is the tank and what other fish do you have? Also what is your water like - ph, hard or soft etc etc?
it is a 30L tank with a few guppies and catfish. it has a fine gravel
How many Guppies and how many Catfish? Also what species of Catfish.
To be honest in a 30 liter tank you may already be fully stocked
4 guppies and 1 peppered corydorascatfish although i want to get 3 more catfish
30 liters is about 8 gallons, if you added the 3 catfish that would be about 16 inches of fish in there. Inch per gallon is not that accurate but it is a good way of quickly working it out. I think realistically you need a bigger tank or change your fish.
Pygmy Cories and Endlers are smaller versions of the fish that you have now and would work great in this size tank.
ok i have 12 large tanks 7 small tanks and the 30 L tank. the 30 L i use as my display tank.
44L tank is better but again the corydoras i would recommend getting a smaller type as suggested above but to answer your question.
Neon Green Rasboras they stay small only 2cm
most small tetras like neons, 3-4cm
Celestrial pearl Danios 2cm again but these fish are timid
shrimp is also a better one for small nano tanks than cory's tbh

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