What Should I Do Next?


Fish Addict
Dec 1, 2013
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Tank size: 40 US Gallon or 151 liters
I want to sell some of the guppies that are currently in my tank. What do you guys think is a fair price for them? They are just about breeding size, the largest have had babies once and are about 1 1/2 weeks along. But I will probably keep those females and a few males.  
So I want to put a fair amount of new plants in.  What are some easy, cheap plants that I can get from petco or petsmart?  I have gravel as my substrate and have a medium amount of light. Natural and from a bulb. 
Also I want to do some new fish. I definitely want a Gourami, but I would love to get a female. How can I get ahold of one of them? I also want some shrimp, what are some easy and non aggressive breeds? 
Or if an angel fish is possible, it is only about 1 1/2 feet tall, it is more of a long tank. 
Any suggestions are welcome! :) 
Anubias (attach to rock or driftwood), java fern (same as anubias), swords, cryptocorynes should be available there. Certain aponogetons, hornwort (floating), anacharis/elodea (planted or floating), watersprite (planted or floating), banana plants,  are also good but not sure what petsmart/petco has in terms of plants as I never get them there since they're overpriced :) I'm sure I'm forgetting something, sorry :C
What are the dimensions of the tank? Is your water soft or hard? How many guppies are you planning on keeping? A gourami may work..the angelfish could eat the guppies though and I'm not sure if the tank is tall enough. Gourami should be available at petco/petsmart, the males have a pointed dorsal fin and the females have a rounded one. They might tell you they don't sell males..they might be right but mine told me that and guess what I came home with..a female :)
Guppies that are good grade range from 30-50$ in your country per trio but get them from a reputable breeder

I wouldn't recommend chain stores for plants though
I will probably keep four or five females and three males. I want to buy one single new female.  I had a gourami before but I got some ich and finrot in my tank and only a few fish that were infected actually made it through.  The gourami seemed fine while he was in there.  
What would be a good breed of Gourami? 
My tank dimensions are 3x1x1.5 (LxWxH) and I have soft water
Pearl gourami are a good starter species
The pearls get up to 4.8", at least according to seriouslyfish. Here is their info on behavior/compatibility "One of the most peaceful gouramis and an excellent community fish. Males are territorial with one another however and can also be quite hard on the females when they want to breed, so ensure there are adequate hiding places in the aquarium. Do not keep the pearl gourami with aggressive or very vigorous fish or it will become withdrawn."
I'd do honey gourami as they stay small (1.5-2") and are quite peaceful.
No, they can be aggressive and get 8-10", they need a 5x1.5ft tank. HERE is more info on them.
Ninjouzata said:
No, they can be aggressive and get 8-10", they need a 5x1.5ft tank. HERE is more info on them.
Ok, thanks! I will probably go with a Honey if I can find one.  Is a Honey dwarf Gourami the same thing? That is what the fish is labeled at the store. I only have chain stores where I live and the online listings for here doesn't have anyone with Gouramis. (I did find a lady with an amazing planted tank who is selling low light and pretty easy plants for super cheap though! Definitely buying from her)
I think some places label them as dwarf gourami, yes. They are not though IIRC. Dwarf gourami are trichogaster lalius and honey gourami are trichogaster chuna.

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