What Pleco Is This?


New Member
Jul 30, 2012
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Hi guys can people tell me what type of pleco is this and how big it will grow and is it ok 2 be with my other fish for room to grow or will it be overstocked?? Thanks

1 male betta
6 neon tetra
12 platys
3 Molly's
3 bronze catfish
1 flying fox

Tank is a jewel rio 180 with a fluval 306 filter

The fins look Luke a clown plec but its body us spotty :S
how big is it atm?
Any positive i.d. from that angle is gonna be tricky. If I had to make a guess, and its only that, I would say it was a dwarf bristlenose, as mine has similar looking colours on it' fins. Does it have a yellow band on the end of the tail? Out of interest, how did you get a pic from the angle you did? Side on would be better if you can
Thanks guys ill try an get a pic when he stops being stuck to the glass give me a few mins. I'd say he's just under 3 inches

Any positive i.d. from that angle is gonna be tricky. If I had to make a guess, and its only that, I would say it was a dwarf bristlenose, as mine has similar looking colours on it' fins. Does it have a yellow band on the end of the tail? Out of interest, how did you get a pic from the angle you did? Side on would be better if you can

Hah he was stuck to the glass facing me

Lets try with this one


Is it a bottlenose or brittle nose also aquavisor says I need more filtration and I'm 80% stocked is that's correct all so it's a heavily planted tank
yeah, pretty sure it's what I thought. As for sexing, well unless it has something to do with the shape of the ventral fins, I wouldn't have a clue sorry. Lovely fish they are tho, mild mannered and easily pleased
Yea he or she does seem to be quite a nice fish. Just a quick question I got 3 Molly's today and at first they kept at the top of the tank while my other fish were low down like normal after about 1hr 2 of them have now gone to between midway and bottom but the white one is still hangin around the top any idea what's wrong as it seems to be tryin to keep its mouth near the surface
Looks more like a common plec than a Bristle nose.

Here are a couple of my female BN's to help you compare with yours.


One of my mature male BN;s.
I carnt get a good pic of mine really but would a common plec get too big for the tank
Not sure what type this is but it if does turn out to be a common then yes it will get too big for the tank you have. A common will get huge and need tanks of around 5-6 foot in length and at least 18"-2ft front to back
Unfortunatley I have had no experience with any Jewel rio tanks or fluval filters, most tanks I see around here are non- name branded types with the posible exception of AquaOne but they are still sold by the length not name.
I am guessing that 180 refers to how manty liters the tank holds and the 306 is how much water the filter can pump through in an hour?
Depending on if your fish is a common plec or a sailfin plec or even some other type of pleco will determine if ultimately it will grow to big for your tank. I have seen some monster plecos that really looked too big even for a 6ft tank.
Your current stocking of Molly's and Platies with Neons and and catfish is not ideal simply because Mollies and platties generally prefer harder water than what neons, catfish and even siamese fighters will like. I have seen and kept soft water mollies, platties and guppies and they did fine, but I just want to make you aware if the health of either the neons or mollies deteriate it could be due to the adding or lack of adding aquarium salts. Also are the platties and Molly's a mix of male and female? If so you will end up with fry (even if its only 1 survivor at a time, the rest getting predated), and with extra fish numbers gradually creeping up on you the filter may not always handle the pleco and all the other fishes waste. This could be overcome by more frequent water changes and tank vacuming
Thanks for the reply. I've had the platys and neons together for about 5 months now with the catfish and so far seem to be doing good the fighter is about 2 months added and again he seems to be fine and just gets on with it without fighting. I might take the pleco back tomorrow so not to chance getting too big for tank

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