What Plants?


Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2013
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I'm thinking about getting some real plants but I've no idea what is best, what I'd need or anything.

My tank is 84x44x58cm 165l (44ish US gallon) medium pea gravel

1 angelfish
2 blind cave tetra
2 pearl gourami
2 male guppy
1 gbr
3 Julii Cory
1 pleco (getting rehomed)
5 neon tetra
6 black widow tetra

All help will be very grateful
I've been doing a lot of learning and reading over the last two weeks on the plants for my tank. I've still not settled on my choices but I have made some general decisions that you may find helpful to think about:
1) are you trying to emulate somewhere particular, in which case do you need to stick to plants from the same region?
2) what are you wanting to supply for your fish? e.g. locations for egg laying?
3) what can you supply the plants with (lighting, co2, ferts)
For myself, I now have more Java moss heading my way (was going Xmas but changed my mind) as I am looking to completely cover a pipe-cave structure as it grows, try and obscure the use of drain pipes.
In addition, I've went for some colour with Hygrophila polysperma & Hygrophila polysperma rosanervig - I've never been able to establish if these are just the same plant under different lighting/ferts/co2 between the green & red.
I have also ordered some red & green cabomba on a whim.

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