This morning, went to feed the fish and found this stuff all over the top of the tank. It almost looks like tiny couscous. New stuff in the tank are 5 pearl gouramis, hornwort, anubias. Did an almost 50% water change last night. Afterwards, the flame tetras engaged in breeding behavior but I doubt these things are eggs because they are floating on the surface.
Other inhabitants are corydoras and pond snails. And yes, I washed the heck out of the plants before I put them in. Although....the anubias was packed in gel. I washed all of it away that I could see, but the roots were clumped together. Could this be gel residue from the anubias?
Other inhabitants are corydoras and pond snails. And yes, I washed the heck out of the plants before I put them in. Although....the anubias was packed in gel. I washed all of it away that I could see, but the roots were clumped together. Could this be gel residue from the anubias?