What On Earth Is This Gunk?


Jan 16, 2016
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This morning, went to feed the fish and found this stuff all over the top of the tank. It almost looks like tiny couscous. New stuff in the tank are 5 pearl gouramis, hornwort, anubias. Did an almost 50% water change last night. Afterwards, the flame tetras engaged in breeding behavior but I doubt these things are eggs because they are floating on the surface.

Other inhabitants are corydoras and pond snails. And yes, I washed the heck out of the plants before I put them in. Although....the anubias was packed in gel. I washed all of it away that I could see, but the roots were clumped together. Could this be gel residue from the anubias?


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I have no idea what the heck that is 
 You could try keeping it in some tank water for a few days just in case they are eggs (which I doubt but you never know)
It might be gel from the plants... I used plants that had gel, and it floated up to the top, and I still haven't gotten rid of it yet.
I'm leaning towards plant gel. The clumped up roots are not clumped anymore, so maybe they released a blob of gel bits. I'm hoping that's what it is and not something more horrible.
gel from the plants? is this something they add to them in America? It's not something I've come across here in the UK
It might be something added in just America. It's like a hard gel that floats. I think it's used to keep the plant's roots in some form of liquid.
The Tropica 1-2-Grow! range delivers plants in a jelly that you rinse off before planting.
ahh I see. I've not come across it before but it's good info to have in case I ever do :)
Yes, it was planted in gel so that it would hold nutrients and moisture. I rinsed as much as I could but I guess I missed the bit that was trapped in the roots. At least I think that's what it is.
Not sure how well this picture will show up, but this is what I got. I let it float free on the top of the water to make my shy fish feel better, rather than plant it, which is why the gunk got into the water when the roots relaxed and opened up. Now I know to gently pry the roots open or soak it overnight first if I ever get this again. Between this stuff and the hornwort that I got, the filter needed a major cleaning. The filter seems to have picked up most of the remaining bits so I'm sure I need to get in there and dump it out again. Ugh.
I will say though, the plant is lovely and healthy and the fish love hiding in its leaves.


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Yup, definitely gel from the plants if you didn't rinse it off... nothing to worry about... I've had it in my tank for roughly 3 months now, no problem.
I bought the same plants for the same brand. The gel doesn't seem to harm the fish. It should be good, just throw it out when you get the chance.

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