I inherited this lovely fish so no idea how old it is but on talking to an aquarium shop owner who said she thought she was a female bristlenose, but I am now not so sure as the fish is about 15cm. Have I got a pleco that is going to out grow my 55 liter tank? This is such a beautiful creature but I obviously need to have an idea of what size might be. Is it a male or female too please, any help appreciated thanks

I inherited this lovely fish so no idea how old it is but on talking to an aquarium shop owner who said she thought she was a female bristlenose, but I am now not so sure as the fish is about 15cm. Have I got a pleco that is going to out grow my 55 liter tank? This is such a beautiful creature but I obviously need to have an idea of what size might be. Is it a male or female too please, any help appreciated thanks