What Kind Of Fish?


Mostly New Member
Jan 15, 2014
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Hey guys I'm back! Moving is such a hastle.

Anyway, I was just wondering what kind of fish can live without an air stone? Like in a bowl? I know some will say "its cruel and you should not keep fish in a bowl because it stunts their growth" and other things like that, however the bowl I'm thinking of buying is quite large.....

I know betas and goldfish can...but what else?

Im only thinking about it still....nothing official just yet.
Goldfish cant. Bettas cant. No fish can.
A tank needs to be a minimum of 10L for a betta. It needs to be cycled,filtered, and heated.
Goldfish get HUGE. They need tank of 160L for fancy/double tail and 350L for comet/feeder.
Dont put any fish in a bo. They need a cycled tank. Just dont, its very cruel. Its like locking you in a closet, feeding you a meal a day, and cleaning up once or twice a week.
You could get one of those glow in the dark fake fish, like THIS :p

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