What Kind Of Fish Is This?

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Jan 15, 2013
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Hi everyone, my brother in law just gave me this fish 2 weeks ago, but I don't even know what kind of fish is this. Can any expert help me? I asked my brother I law but he told me he doesn't know either because somebody gave it to him.

P.s: I thought the fish look like flowerhorn but might not because not big head.

Please teach me how to take care it.

10 gal tank. Feed twice / day.

It is a flowerhorn. Could be female or just to young to have its hump. Any water will do, as long as its dechlorinated and in a cycled aquarium. It should also be in at least a 40 gallon aquarium minimum. Temp should be 76-80°F. Feed it a good cichlid pellet.
Its likely to murder any other inhabitants of the tank also, on a whim. A flowerhorn in a 10g is going to end up in disaster.
Its likely to murder any other inhabitants of the tank also, on a whim. A flowerhorn in a 10g is going to end up in disaster.

I know the tank I have quiet small but I think the fish look ok in the tank. When the fish bigger, I will change it.


It is a flowerhorn. Could be female or just to young to have its hump. Any water will do, as long as its dechlorinated and in a cycled aquarium. It should also be in at least a 40 gallon aquarium minimum. Temp should be 76-80°F. Feed it a good cichlid pellet.

Thank for your information. I put the temp around 79. Feeding him with "Sumo", i think tat is good food for him. but still doesn't know why he don't have a hump yet. Did I done something wrong here?


I appreciate that you think its ok for a fish that can grow to a foot long to be kept in a small tank, but these fish can grow very big, very quickly. If it doesnt then it is most likely being stunted by its current habitat (small tank) this is causing suffering to the fish.

Also, why is your tank 3/4 full, fill the rest of the tank up, it might be 10 gallon tank but you probably only have 5 gallons of water in there with the substrate and decorations, your heater needs to be fully submerged also. These fish can live for 10+ years, and it is a pretty big commitment as they quite often wont tolerate any other tank mates. I would either get a much bigger tank very soon, as in within the next month or so, or rehome the poor thing.

There are loads of posts in the hybrid section of the forum with information about flowerhorns. Have a look and you will see they really do get massive.
I agree with Seb.

Could you please have a read of the Blue Clickable article in my signature area. Thanks.
Ok, I already bought bigger tank 35 gallons. I will change it on weekend. Is there any else I need ?
You will need to heavily overfilter, is your current tank cycled? If so, how did you do it.

What filter are you planning on using on the 35gallon.

To be honest, a 35gallon tank will probably do for a couple of months but eventually you are going to need a massive tank 100gallon plus for a fish the size of a flowerhorn. You may think i am exagerating but really, when that fish is an adult, it will barely be able to turn around in the 35g. You certainly wont be able to have any other fish with it.

I believe there is a poster on this forum who keeps a single flowerhorn in a 6foot tank, they have tried various other tank mates but all have been killed.

Good luck!
I know how to clean the tank.. I bought this filter for my tank...only for 30 gal but I think is ok...


Bought new air pump for 30 gal too.

I might take out the few decoration and others don't need it.

100gal?. I know what u means, but I can't do that. Too much for me.
Filter is not enough I'm afraid. If you can't commit to a bigger tank then perhaps you should rethink your fish choice.

Fish are a big commitment. You wouldn't keep a pet dog in a cupboard it's whole life.
Not an expert, but agree with the above comments - I would try to rehome the big fish and start again with appropriate stock for your 35 gallon

Being a fishkeeper is all about learning and we all make mistakes from time to time - I would consider the advice you've been given

Hope you get a resolution to your problem
Flowerhorns grow an inch a month, will destroy other fish you keep with it in all probability. 75 gallon tank on its own with a tetratec ex1200 filter or similar. The filter is about 85 pounds on pet supermarket and worth every penny for the quality and customer service you get from tetractec. If you intend to keep this fish then you will need to invest. Also it eats like a king too

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