Ammonia 0 nitrItes 0 nitrAtes <20
On my ongoing sage with my dwarf gourami rescue fish, I've run into a problem I can't seem to shake. I've got three fish in a cycled 20g isolation tank. All three eat ok and generally act ok just less active than they should be. They seem to breath hard, but don't flash or act like they have any external parasites. They look good, color is good, maybe just a wee bit puffy in the gut, hard to tell for sure. Saw some white poop, so I treated with two rounds of Tetra Parasite Guard along with some tripple sulfa in case it was an infection.
Fish seemed to get a little better, then went back to breathing hard. Caught a fresh poop sample and put it under the microscope. There seems to be dead adult nematodes sort of curled up in there, maybe 2cm long. I saw a larval nematode that was very much alive flipping back and forth, also saw some dead larval sized worms in there. I'm sure it's not a tapeworm, it's most definitely nematode roundworms of some type. I started feeding them Jungle Parasite food pellets that have praziquantel, levamasole, metronodazole, and something else I can't remember. I've given them this before off and on. Since I saw one alive, I'm reasonable sure that there are more that haven't been killed. What will kill these things?
On my ongoing sage with my dwarf gourami rescue fish, I've run into a problem I can't seem to shake. I've got three fish in a cycled 20g isolation tank. All three eat ok and generally act ok just less active than they should be. They seem to breath hard, but don't flash or act like they have any external parasites. They look good, color is good, maybe just a wee bit puffy in the gut, hard to tell for sure. Saw some white poop, so I treated with two rounds of Tetra Parasite Guard along with some tripple sulfa in case it was an infection.
Fish seemed to get a little better, then went back to breathing hard. Caught a fresh poop sample and put it under the microscope. There seems to be dead adult nematodes sort of curled up in there, maybe 2cm long. I saw a larval nematode that was very much alive flipping back and forth, also saw some dead larval sized worms in there. I'm sure it's not a tapeworm, it's most definitely nematode roundworms of some type. I started feeding them Jungle Parasite food pellets that have praziquantel, levamasole, metronodazole, and something else I can't remember. I've given them this before off and on. Since I saw one alive, I'm reasonable sure that there are more that haven't been killed. What will kill these things?