What Killifish To Acquire


May 16, 2012
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So, I've been looking in to Killifish for a couple of days, reading and reading. It's a possibility I may try them as I've never kept them before. 
I'll be using a planted Arc tank 35L.
I'm wanting them to keep and breed hopefully.
First off, would that be big enough for the smallest of Killifish?
I can't seem to find them anywhere so I'll be going down the egg route. I take it that any of these fish I buy from eggs, are annual and if I breed them, I'll have those eggs to rear or sell? Seems like a stupid question but just making sure.
After reading, I'm still a bit unsure with what I have to do with the eggs and fry. A step by step guide is what I've been looking for although I imagine it's different for each species of Killifish.
Here is a list of eggs I can get my hands on: (Any recommendations for my purpose and tank would be great. :))
Notho.palmqvis​ti Pangani Killifish
Notho.korthaus​ae Yellow Killifish
Killifish/N. Guentheri Blue
Killifish/N. Guentheri Red
Notho.korthaus​ae Mafia
Notho.ruudwild​ekampi Killifish 
Aphyosemion Striatum
Killifish Rachovii Beira
Aphyosemion australe 
Hypsolebias longignatus
and a few more
Anyway, any help would be appreciated. :)
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gardneri gold killifish are easy to keep and breed,, i have a few for sale if interested look in classified section. these are spawning on mops at the minute.
I know its not the best choice but many local fish stores carry Golden Wonder Killifish.They are good beginner killies!And they are cheap the price range is 3-5 dollars each.
 Good Luck!!!
Ah cheers, I went with Rachovii though as they look interesting and I've spent a lot of time researching and watching videos going through it. :) Thanks though! :)
My LFS doesn't do them unfortunately.
That and Golden Wonders would be way too big for your tank, males reach 4" long and females about 3-3.5" long when fully grown.
i have 11 gardneri gold for sale,, they are a breeding group,, 8 females 3 males.. £30 for the group and can post for an extra £15... if interested email me at maxmcneilly55@gmail.com as sometimes i dont get replies here
Luckily they did not hatch then. Are there any that are suitable then? :)
Naringlo said:
Luckily they did not hatch then. Are there any that are suitable then?
Rachovii's are suitable, I said Golden Wonder Panchax - Aplocheilus Lineatus - Were not suitable.
Oh my bad, I got confused because you said "that". :L Thank you though! :)
Naringlo said:
Oh my bad, I got confused because you said "that". :L Thank you though!
Sorry was referring to you saying your LFS didn't stock Golden Wonders haha. Sorry for the confusion, it made sense to me :lol:
No, no, I understand now! haha :p
Not sure if I should try Rachovii again or go for Korthausae. Hmm I think I'll get the tank first and use that to keep the container at a stable level. Let the container float. I used a plastic tub and a heat mat for snakes because it seemed like a good idea at the time but the room temp fluctuates too much. Also forgot to put a bit of salt in to fight any velvet. That was pretty poor of me. :L 
Naringlo said:
No, no, I understand now! haha

Not sure if I should try Rachovii again or go for Korthausae. Hmm I think I'll get the tank first and use that to keep the container at a stable level. Let the container float. I used a plastic tub and a heat mat for snakes because it seemed like a good idea at the time but the room temp fluctuates too much. Also forgot to put a bit of salt in to fight any velvet. That was pretty poor of me. :L 
Yeah, if you're going to use a Reptile Heat Mat it's best to use a Thermostat with it too which is another £30-£50...
I actually have one but I didn't think it would stay at a constant temp because my room changes. Next time I do it, I'll use it and tape it to the mat. :)

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