What is.....


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
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I've been reading various posts that catch my eye and I would like to know what is dropsy? Just curious. Thanks!

I think it's the disease where the scales of a fish 'pop' out, giving a pinecone effect. The hard fact that I know that it is uncureable..
No, it can be cured if it is caught earlier on enough and the fish is given the right treament; i have cured fish from it so i know that for sure.
Think of it like cancer; cancer can be removed/cured if treated earlier on enough but not so if left to mature although everbody has different levels of which they can be cured from; if your fish has dropsy don't kill it straight away as it can be cured. Im sure if you left whitespot in your tank or whatever without treatment it would get to an incurable point or finrot even for that matter etc.
Dropsy is caused by a bacterial infection.
as stated above if caught early enough it can be cured;
however by the time the pinecone effect is observed it is often too late.

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