What Is Your Honest Opinion?

Colonel Dibble

Fish Fanatic
Oct 31, 2012
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So, finally, my tank is almost ready to go.
This is my setup; 60L, Eheim Classic 250. Substrate is sand. 4 Pieces of Mopane wood, 4 Rocks, Elodea/ Vallis at the back. Various crypts surrounding the wood. Dwarf Sag infront of little rock cave. 2 Amazon swords on the right. A few moss balls in the middle.
Livestock: Red Ramshorn Snails, Giant Ramshorn Snails ( Currently being removed), Malaysian Trumpet Snails.
2 Honey Gouramis, 10 Celestial Pearl Danios, 6 Kuhli Loaches.
I would like any thoughts and opinions on anything you have in mind. If you hate it, love it, think I should add something. Think I should remove something. Tell me your own experiences if you have had a tank like this.
http://imgur.com/a/CXyab   This is my little fishy album.

Also, I don't have the fish yet.
Firstly, great avatar there! U Rs!!! :)
I like the layout of your tank and plants.
I never had much luck with Kuhli loaches myself but keep meaning to retry. Have you thought about corys for the bottom? You can get a nice group of them say 4-5 and they'll keep busy and active whilst entertaining you!

What are your local fish shops? I'd be tempted to go have a look at what they have. I don't think I've seen any CPDs in shops before although they must be out there somewhere!
I don't have fish yet, so my avatar had to be this :) Just need to wait so i can take a photo of one of my own :)
Cmon U R's! ;)
Thanks, I quite like the layout, but the back looks a little messy.
Well, I am 100% set on Kuhli's because I feel i have enough hides for them to feel safe and be active. If all fails, I will take cory's into consideration.
Maidenhead Aquatics in Osterly would be one of my nearest shops, and they have had CPD's everytime i am in there! :D
Thanks very much for your opinions mate, it has really helped!
Good luck with the Kuhlis then! I will be interested to hear how you get on as I might get some again.
I usually go to MA in Hillingdon or Iver or Heathrow Aquatics often have some nice fish at good prices. They're more your way!
I'd keep the avatar too! :)
Hahaha, I will keep this thread updated then :)
Yeah, my cousin often goes to MA in iver but I haven't been!
I think you have created a great, natural looking fish environment. The only suggestion I would have is to go buy a 99 cent piece of black poster board - cut it to fit the back, and tape it on. See if you like it better with the dark backdrop. I think that might make your contents 'pop out' more. The signature picture of my tank has a black poster board behind the tank. And then if you don't like it you have not wasted much money!
Can you link the backdrop you ordered?  I was originally looking for a dark green one but only found blue or black.
Love the tank it looks lovely and stocking is high but manageable and will be a great set of fish.

My only thought is whether there is enough sand for the Khuli's - I believe they like to burrow so don't know whether it could do with being deeper. Never kept them myself so have no real insight but that was my first thought when looming at the tank.
Ahh thank you so much. It's a good point you bring up. The rim of my tank hides some of the sand so it is a little deeper than you can see. I would say about 2 inches deep. I did a little research and asked my fish knowledgeable cousin; Kuhli's generally don't dig further than an inch, so I hope I will be fine!
Personally I'd get rid of the Elodea (I hate the stuff :p) and get Vallisneria or Bacopa Monnieri or maybe even try a variety of Aponogeton - Crispus and Longiplumulosus are the most common varieties I believe. It's just a personal thing mind you. Other than that, the tank looks great. 
tomtomtom1230 said:
Personally I'd get rid of the Elodea (I hate the stuff
) and get Vallisneria or Bacopa Monnieri or maybe even try a variety of Aponogeton - Crispus and Longiplumulosus are the most common varieties I believe. It's just a personal thing mind you. Other than that, the tank looks great. 
Elodea was my first plant and believe it or not I bought it because it looked nice to me
Needless to say that I actually managed to kill it. If one likes the look of it, it is very good in terms of oxygen production compared to other plants. I am not a fan of vallis or bacopa for that matter. Had them both too.
I think the tank looks lovely as it is. You already have some dwarf sagittaria and adding vallis at the back will look a bit off I think as they are very similar.
Colonel Dibble said:
Ahh thank you so much. It's a good point you bring up. The rim of my tank hides some of the sand so it is a little deeper than you can see. I would say about 2 inches deep. I did a little research and asked my fish knowledgeable cousin; Kuhli's generally don't dig further than an inch, so I hope I will be fine!
2 inches should be fine - it doesn't look that deep

Much deeper and you'll start to get issues with gas build up.
That's a fair comment. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it looks hideous and I certainly don't dispute it's place in one's aquarium but that's what I'd do. To paraphrase the OP, they thought it looked a little messy. Which is why I jumped in! 

I'm not the world's biggest fan of Vallis and nor am I a big fan of Bacopa, I'm simply suggesting stuff from the top of my head ^^

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