Very sad seeing those pictures. Mines more a long catalogue of hassle........this isn't a hard luck story, just an account.
Had a 250ltr corner tank, co2, fully planted with my discus all very content.
After much hard work I saved and took delivery of my sparkling new tank, Aqua one 350ltr tank and matching cabinet. Its set up as per signature, alot of equipment admittedly, cost £750 just for what's in the cabinet.
Invested in Aquagro nutra-soil, a nutrient rich plant specific substrate. Well, instructions said not to rinse. I had bought a lovely piece of bogwood 3 foot long that arched up to the surface, perfect for fixing annubias and fern to. Had it soaking for six weeks, but to my dismay it wouldn't sink. So the fun began......had to get a 10mm piece of glass, drill it, fix to wood as a weight and bury the glass out of sight. Well, the dust, particles or whatever it was in the substrate turn the water to clay coloured mud! 3 80% water changes later I had a degree of clarity. Now, this stuff leaches ammonia at first, so I used that to cycle the tank.
Then my plants arrived.....Very excitedly I got my planting plan out, 3 hours later my £180 worth of plants were in place. I stepped back to admire, then sadly realised my bogwood centrepiece was far too big, and would leave little space once my plants took hold. So off I went in search of another....found a lovely piece but the three figure price tag was day light robbery..but I had little choice. As you can imagine pulling out the plants and bogwood to get the new piece in left me with muddy water once again. 6 hours later I arrive at a point were I was content to sit back and watch my garden grow. Next morning all my plants and wood were covered in a pepper like dust, obviously from the substrate settling. I wafted it off, syphoned, cleaned, water changed for the next week before this was replaced by diatoms, a brown covering everywhere. I really was beginning to lose heart, my excitement replaced by despair. And so the cleaning went on for another 2 weeks. The tank cycled, u decided it was time to introduce my fish. All seemed well, they settled in ok...tank still not sparkling as I had expected with twin filters. And as if I hadn't had enough hassle BBA took hold with a vengeance!! That took 6 weeks to get rid of, and it came down to the bloody tubes supplied with the tank!! My mate who worked at the lfs sorted me the deal on it, and had meant to swap the tubes before delivery. It was only when discussing my bba woes over a pint, telling him I'd adjusted light, co2, stopped ferts, played with different flow, spot treated with liquid carbon, used eSHa algaecide etc that the penny dropped. "Oh, sorry mate, I never change those tubes, they're far too need plant tubes"!!. God, what a difference, pleco and shrimps suddenly appearing, and bba gone soon afterwards. So things looking up, for a month, until solenoid on co2 jammed and ph crashed. Replaced co2 valve with TMC. Things settled down, plants thriving, discus started spawning, fry eaten, no luck with artificially raising them but no bother. Then out of the blue blackened discus, white poop, fish skittish hiding all the time. Have treated with Kusuri wormer plus, then fluke solve, left it a fortnight before course of improvement. Beginning to think this tank is cursed lol. So, no massive disasters but continuous setbacks that are killg the enjoyment of what is the nicest tank I've owned with the best equipment