What is your favourite fish species to keep?

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Too many to single out but my favourite to keep are Central and South american Cichlids. Beautiful colours and great personalities.

Got a soft spot for barbs also.
This hobby is a quest for the perfect fish to build a tank around. I don't think that fish can exist, as as soon as you have a favourite, you discover there's another you haven't kept that looks very interesting. I'd even say that if you have one favourite species, you may be new at aquariums and may not have seen how many wonderful creatures we coexist with. A favourite fish is like a favourite book - it changes as you read more.
Hello. I can't say enough good things about my Buenos Aires Tetras. Very hardy fish and get pretty large, up to 3 inches I believe. Probably one of the largest available at the local fish store. I keep a lot of them.

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