so i posted in the emergency section last week as my fish had popeye. after treating them twice with esha 2000. i am still losing fish.
my stock has changed as i had bought new fish online before the outbreak and do not currently have a hosp tank as mine had a crack in it.
so the stock atm is
5 platies
5 guppies
5 cories
6 khulis
1 bnp
1 ram
1 peacock gudgeon
5 krib fry
8 neons
5 baby apple snails
and a few mts and mystery snails
i have lost in the past 2 weeks
2 dwarf gourami
1 peacock gudgeon
4 khulis
2 neons
1 bnp
tank is 180L
nI 0
nA 20ish
temp is fluctuating due to weather, its set on 26
last night i done a 60% WC, and a good vac. today i have fed 1 cube of frozen bloodworm. all was fine this morn but i have since noticed 1 female guppy, heavily pregnant, hanging around near the top of the filter, this is what my gouramis were doing the day before they died. also since feeding them they are acting quite strange, like i have given them a load of E numbers!!! the cories are racing up and down the glass, quite normal for them, the khulis are racing back and forth at the front of the tank when they normally hide, 2 of my male guppies are acting the same, and a male platy is showing the same behaviour as the cories. i have also noticed some flicking going on. i have just dosed with esha 2000 again and turned the lights off.
what is wrong with them? im really not enjoying fish keeping atm!
i need to get this under control. i have some more snails and cories being delivered tomorrow as the seller couldnt hold on to them for any longer.
heelllpppp please!!!!!
my stock has changed as i had bought new fish online before the outbreak and do not currently have a hosp tank as mine had a crack in it.
so the stock atm is
5 platies
5 guppies
5 cories
6 khulis
1 bnp
1 ram
1 peacock gudgeon
5 krib fry
8 neons
5 baby apple snails
and a few mts and mystery snails
i have lost in the past 2 weeks
2 dwarf gourami
1 peacock gudgeon
4 khulis
2 neons
1 bnp
tank is 180L
nI 0
nA 20ish
temp is fluctuating due to weather, its set on 26
last night i done a 60% WC, and a good vac. today i have fed 1 cube of frozen bloodworm. all was fine this morn but i have since noticed 1 female guppy, heavily pregnant, hanging around near the top of the filter, this is what my gouramis were doing the day before they died. also since feeding them they are acting quite strange, like i have given them a load of E numbers!!! the cories are racing up and down the glass, quite normal for them, the khulis are racing back and forth at the front of the tank when they normally hide, 2 of my male guppies are acting the same, and a male platy is showing the same behaviour as the cories. i have also noticed some flicking going on. i have just dosed with esha 2000 again and turned the lights off.
what is wrong with them? im really not enjoying fish keeping atm!
i need to get this under control. i have some more snails and cories being delivered tomorrow as the seller couldnt hold on to them for any longer.
heelllpppp please!!!!!