What Is This?


Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2012
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A few months ago I had a really sick betta, she had fin rot, ick, and a few other things it looks like. She died, but I still want to know what killed her, just in case it happens again! I no longer have pictures of her but I can discribe it.

One of her eyes was white, and she obviously couldn't see out of it, because my two females that were the tank with her were attacking her from that side, and she didn't do anything.

Her fins were almost non-exsitant (One of the two females had fin rot when I got her, but not badly enough for me to notice at first).

She had white fuzzy looking stuff on her mouth, and near her gills.

She had white speckles all over her.

She was missing a lot of the scales on her head.

She couldn't swim, so she either died by this illnesses, or suffocated. :(

Does anybody know what illness(es) it was other than ick, and fin rot? I didn't realize that the other two also had ick until one was dying of it (That fish liked to hide. I rarely saw it, except during feeding. All I noticed that was odd was clamped fins, but I thought it was from the fin rot! One of them is white, which made it hard to see white spots...). The dark colored one died, but the white one (Zoey!) is still alive. I would like to keep it that way, which is why I want to know what kill my first female.

As far as I can tell it was Cotton mouth, Hole-in-the-head, Ick, Fin rot, and Pop eye! Is there any disease that has the symptoms of all of those diseases, or was it all of those at once?! Any help will be appritiated, I just want to know what happened to Thayet!
A few months ago I had a really sick betta, she had fin rot, ick, and a few other things it looks like. She died, but I still want to know what killed her, just in case it happens again! I no longer have pictures of her but I can discribe it.

One of her eyes was white, and she obviously couldn't see out of it, because my two females that were the tank with her were attacking her from that side, and she didn't do anything.

Her fins were almost non-exsitant (One of the two females had fin rot when I got her, but not badly enough for me to notice at first).

She had white fuzzy looking stuff on her mouth, and near her gills.

She had white speckles all over her.

She was missing a lot of the scales on her head.

She couldn't swim, so she either died by this illnesses, or suffocated. :(

Does anybody know what illness(es) it was other than ick, and fin rot? I didn't realize that the other two also had ick until one was dying of it (That fish liked to hide. I rarely saw it, except during feeding. All I noticed that was odd was clamped fins, but I thought it was from the fin rot! One of them is white, which made it hard to see white spots...). The dark colored one died, but the white one (Zoey!) is still alive. I would like to keep it that way, which is why I want to know what kill my first female.

As far as I can tell it was Cotton mouth, Hole-in-the-head, Ick, Fin rot, and Pop eye! Is there any disease that has the symptoms of all of those diseases, or was it all of those at once?! Any help will be appritiated, I just want to know what happened to Thayet!

all of the above symptoms sound like internal parasites minus the white spots and fuzz around the mouth which could be from secondary infection.

I agree with the above. I have been dealing with some fish that internal parasites and they got velvet because they were sick form the parasites. It's like ripple effect, when you don't treat the primary sickness.
Okay, thank you! Now I know what to treat if it ever happens again! Unfortunately I was googling the symptoms, and they all came up with different diseases when the fish was sick, so I didn't know how to treat it. That fish died, and the other two survived. Either that was the only fish that had internal parasites, or I somehow killed them in the other two without knowing! Thanks again :)
Unfortunately it's very hard to diagnose some fish diseases. I have just spent 2 months with very! sick fish. I bought some special order apistogrammas and it turned out they had internal parasites, but all of my tanks were contaminated before I figured it out. Then, they all got velvet since their immune systems were probably weak from having parasites. What a nightmare. I lost a ton of fish and, am only saving the ones left because of help on this forum.

Anyway, if you ever have problems, try posting here, you could end up with some great advice. Sorry about your betta.
I'm sorry about all your fish! I have just recently discovered this forum, and it's already been so much help to me! I'm glad you managed to save some of your fish. I saved two bettas, then one died a month later, could've been the same thing. I think it was ick that killed the second one. I used the salt treatment and the other showed almost immediate improvement. They had clamped fins, and were swimming funny, the dark one had white spots, but I don't know about the white one lol. Zoey is still living though, so I got rid of the problem!
It all sounds to me like it had columnaris, not parasites. Its a bacterial infection, the fin rot, mouth rot, cloud eye, missing scales, etc are all caused by the same bacteria.
That could be too, one of the Bettas that I put into the tank with her had fin rot when I got her, and that would explain why the other two didn't get the parasites. I cleaned the tank after I took her out and put her in a "hospital tank", which would explain how the other two avoided getting sick, which is what I was confuse about with the internal parasites idea! Thank you :)
That could be too, one of the Bettas that I put into the tank with her had fin rot when I got her, and that would explain why the other two didn't get the parasites. I cleaned the tank after I took her out and put her in a "hospital tank", which would explain how the other two avoided getting sick, which is what I was confuse about with the internal parasites idea! Thank you :)
Columnaris is easy to treat when its at a small stage, but when it spreads to the mouth, eyes, and body, thats when it gets nasty. Unfortunately it spreads quickly. Its a flesh eating bacteria, so that might have been why you thought it had hole in the head as well. But hole in the head is more of a nutrition deficiency than a disease, easily treated by water changes and proper diet.
Thank you for the information. I didn't really know what hole in the head was, when I took her out I knew that she was going to die, her fins were so short she couldn't swim and everything, so I didn't bother researching the diseases. Though she was in a tank with two other bettas, so for their sake I should have. Next time (hopefully there won't be one!) I'll know what it is!

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