What Is This Plant?


Mar 10, 2010
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I was pretty sure there is a section dedicated to plants but for some reason I appear to have lost it!!
Just wondering if anyone can help me identify this plant? It is doing brilliantly in my tank, has grown very rapidly in the short space of time I have had it and is very popular with my fish!


All I add to the tank to help the plants is a liquid fertiliser, I don't understand all the Co2 malarky!!

Aye, corymbosa. Probably angustifolia.
It is! I m very impressed with it! It is growing quite high now. If I snip off the highest section and plant it will it grow another plant? I always get weary of doing this incase I kill it off =\
The plant had gotten much taller now and the middle section of it looks like it is dying? The leaves are full of holes and they have turned into a yellowy brownish colour yet the rest of the plant seems to be doing well, in have another stem growing from the bottom and the top is going bananas! What shall I do about the middle?
That is totally normal. By the looks of the picture the plant had been grown out of the water before being shipped to your local fish store. It's just adjusting to aquatic life and part of that process includes shedding its terrestrial leaves. old aquatic leaves will also be shed eventually.
Ah wonderful! Most of the leaves from the middle section are shedding themselves anyway and so I am having to keep picking them out! I will continue with the liquid frets as usual and see how it goes :) thanks.
I have a few of these, all started from a single plant. They seem to grow shoots off the side that also form root systems, so I just pull them off when they seem mature enough and stick them right in the sand. They take a while to acclimate to your tank, so be patient.

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