What is this on my Mollie?


New Member
Nov 13, 2016
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can someone please help, I have uploaded a few pictures of my black mollie, it has a strange white patch on one side right next to one of its fins and it's not able to use its fin on that side as well as the other.


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The large whitish patch is not ich, but there may be ich present. Difficult to tell from the photos if the large patch is fungus or some form of growth.

More data on the tank/fish would help us suggest remedies. How long have you had this fish? Are there other fish in the tank (and what are they)? What are your water parameters, which means GH (hardness), pH and temperature? If you have tested for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, what are the numbers?

RE: potential ich...

Summershine, are there white dots all over the fish (all of them or even a few of them) that appear like little sand grains? If so, then ich is present. The larger issue being the protrusion from the gill plate area is more concerning, though ich is a tank problem, this other issue is clearly localized to this one molly.

Is the growth you see around the gills 'fuzzy' or more 'solid' in appearance. Before treatment can be suggested, a proper ID would need to be made. That is very challenging without being there in person to see the fish.

As Byron stated, the water parameters are very important. Many times, these issues arise due to poor water conditions, and good water conditions allows a fish's own immune system to deal with the problems before we ever see them.
I agree with the above - it doesn't look like ich to me. Not that this has been suggested yet, but I would also be hesitant to dose a whole tank with any type of medication in the hope that it makes things better - especially because we can't really tell what it is. For me, I would be doing 10-20% water changes daily for at least a week and keeping the tank absolutely pristine - often this is enough for fish to heal themselves without any further intervention from us.
Almost looks like a damaged gill or something, my black Molly has the same color behind his gills, but only a small crescent can be seen and only from behind.
Hey everyone, just about to do another water test so I will upload the results shortly.

The molly has always had the white/silver specs on it, it is just its colouring, the big white bit behind its gill however has not. When I first noticed it, it seemed a little fluffy so I went to the pet shop for advice and they suggested it being fungal so I treated the tank with fungal treatment but it's not had any impact.

I have 3 mollies, 5 tetras and a plec, the tank is 80 litres. Temp is currently at 24c which is lower than usual, it's usually at around 27c.
Hey everyone, just about to do another water test so I will upload the results shortly.

The molly has always had the white/silver specs on it, it is just its colouring, the big white bit behind its gill however has not. When I first noticed it, it seemed a little fluffy so I went to the pet shop for advice and they suggested it being fungal so I treated the tank with fungal treatment but it's not had any impact.

I have 3 mollies, 5 tetras and a plec, the tank is 80 litres. Temp is currently at 24c which is lower than usual, it's usually at around 27c.

This is now almost certainly a water issue, namely the GH and pH. I say this based on the likelihood that the tank is cycled. It would help if all data asked for by any of us is provided, as there is often a lot of interactive issues involved.

If you don't have a GH or pH test, check the data on your municipal water authority's website, it should give this there, or you can call them. Molly issues, including fungus, are usually due to soft and/or acidic water. But without the data...

Hi I have something else on my balloon molly. My molly is orange but it has a strange texture on her head also orange. Is it normal or not. Here's a photo.
I see something but can't really make out what it might be.

We still do not have the numbers for the GH and KH, and I still think this could be your issue. Mollies cannot manage long in soft or acidic water.

Another issue is the balloon molly...this is a very weak fish, physiologically. The "balloon" deformity causes severe internal problems for the fish, and that means they are much more susceptible to health issues from the start. Only by not purchasing "balloon" fish will this practice lessen.
Okay thanks but I don't think it has something to do with the form of my molly. She has the weird texture on top of her head but it's been like that from the start just thought I would like to know if its bad. It doesn't get worse but it also doesn't go away. There is also nothing wrong with her feeding and swimming.
Okay thanks but I don't think it has something to do with the form of my molly. She has the weird texture on top of her head but it's been like that from the start just thought I would like to know if its bad. It doesn't get worse but it also doesn't go away. There is also nothing wrong with her feeding and swimming.

I didn't say it was, I said this is another issue with "balloon" fish, a weakened physiology, and this means the fish is likely to have more problems.

And the GH/KH and pH are critical here, do you know what they are?
Okay I understand and no I dont know them I want to buy a testing kit but haven't got time to buy it but thanks for the help

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Okay I understand and no I dont know them I want to buy a testing kit but haven't got time to buy it but thanks for the help

Sent from my ALE-L02 using Tapatalk

Save your money (you may only need to test GH and KH once) and find this out from the municipal water people, check their website.

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