What Is The Best Substrate?


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Apr 12, 2014
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Hi again ladies and gentlemen. I want to get sand as a substrate for my 60 litre tank. But I don't really know what is the best one. I pretty much always have problems with cloudy water after putting in a new substrate. I normally do It when first setting up a tank, but this one has been set up for years, so it should be less likely to cloud up because of all the beneficial bacteria hopefully, is that correct?
Anyways, which type of sand is best?? Do you use black sand? If so, what do you use?? Or even black gravel if it looks better. Which would be better for my pleco?
i have planted tanks so i use dirt and a small black gravel cap.
if you have sand in your tank and the water is still cloudy.. mix the sand up, and so a 90% water change putting in warm treated water and it'll clear the water.
i have used play sand and that you'll have to rinse for a long time.. 40kg bag took be 4-5 hours and my tank was slightly cloudy but went away in a day or so.
Thanks. I will just see what is cheaper online (Tight budget). And what is better for my bn pleco? Because I know he has a sensitive mouth
Any type of aquarium sand would work, play sand and pool filter sand works as well, most fish appreciate sand over gravel.
I used pool filter sand.  It's reasonably price and looks great (whitish color).  I heard that play sand can trap gasses more easily than the pool filter sand.  To clean with a siphon, just hover about a half  inch over the sand.    
Ok, thanks for all of your input. I have decided to go with sand this time. Now it's just a case of finding it for a reasonable price. I want it in black, because my pleco would turn the white sand brown in a week.
Just a general question. How does sand work? I feel like when you clean the tank the sand would be siphoned out and youd just have to keep getting more sand.
Hey, and I believe that you just hover the gravel cleaner over the sand, stir it up without touching it, or with your hand, and suck up any of the dirt. Come to think of I, that's pretty difficult....
Cleaning sand is actually kinda easier because all the waste sits on top waiting for you to suck it up with a siphon. 
Oh, but wouldn't my pleco munch it?

You know, like suck it up with his mouth or something?
No, plecos know how to eat and they dont willingly eat poo, they only lay on the bottom anyways and usually on decor, but if it gets to the point where there laying in it 24/7 its the owners fault for not cleaning it.
When you buy the sand, do not put it directly in the tank.
First, put some in a bucket, put water in the bucket and let it overflow.  The debris, dirt, and light weight loose stuff will float and pour out.  When what is overflowing is clear,  stir the sand in the bucket with your hand, wait 2 minutes and repeat with the water.  When stirring it up, it all settles within 2 minutes, THEN put that sand in the tank.  Put more 'new' sand in the bucket and repeat.  This will prevent most of your clouding.
When you initially put sand in, there will be some cloudiness, those particles should settle within a day, usually less.
Thank you so much guys! My brother has white sand... Is that ok? I will fertilise with root tablets and liquid ferts aswell. I will try to upgrade mmy lighting but in not sure i can find one suitable.
I have learnt so much from this site already. I will ease up on the questions from now on.

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