What is the best setup for neocaridina shrimps ?


Nov 15, 2023
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This is what Gemini replied.

The "best" setup for Neocaridina shrimp depends on various factors, including your personal preferences, budget, and experience level. However, there are some key elements that contribute to a successful shrimp tank:
Tank size: While they can survive in very small tanks, a 10-gallon tank or larger is generally recommended for a thriving colony.
This provides more stability in water parameters and allows for a wider variety of plants and hiding places.

Water parameters: Neocaridina shrimp prefer stable water conditions with a neutral pH (around 7.0-7.5), low hardness (GH 5-10), and low conductivity (TDS 150-250). Cool water temperatures (68-78°F) are also ideal. Regular water changes are crucial to maintain these parameters.

Substrate: An inert substrate like sand or gravel is preferred, as it doesn't alter water chemistry. However, some shrimp keepers use plant-based substrates like aquasoil for its aesthetic appeal and ability to buffer pH.

Filtration: A gentle filter that provides good water flow without being too strong is important. Sponge filters are popular choices as they offer biological filtration and are shrimp-safe.

Plants: Live plants are essential for providing shelter, biofilm for grazing, and helping to absorb waste. Choose low-light plants that thrive in your water parameters, such as mosses, Java ferns, and Anubias.

Hiding places: Shrimp are shy creatures and need plenty of hiding places to feel secure. This can include rocks, driftwood, cholla wood, and even PVC pipes.

Food: While biofilm on plants and decorations should be their primary food source, supplemental feeding with high-quality shrimp food is recommended. Blanched vegetables and leaves can also be offered as occasional treats.

Tankmates: Choose peaceful tankmates that won't prey on your shrimp.

Small snails, peaceful fish like rasboras or ember tetras, and other invert like dwarf shrimp can be good options. However, avoid larger fish, carnivorous invertebrates, and aggressive species.

Additional considerations:

  • Cycling: Before adding shrimp, ensure your tank has been cycled to establish beneficial bacteria.
  • Acclimation: Always drip acclimate your shrimp when introducing them to your tank.
  • Maintenance: Regular water changes, filter cleaning, and monitoring of water parameters are essential for long-term success.
Here are some resources that you might find helpful:

Remember, the "best" setup is the one that works best for you and your shrimp. There is no single right answer, so do your research, experiment, and enjoy the rewarding experience of keeping Neocaridina shrimp!

That is pretty good, I'd say !
That sounds like my shrimp tank, more or less.

Size - well mine's a bit smaller than 10 gallons, but not by much.
Water - pH just above 7, with plants it does fluctuate throughout the day. GH 8 dH. Temp 23 deg C/73 deg F
Substrate - sand.
Filter - a sponge with a powerhead with adjustable flow. It's an Aquael Pat Mini.
Plants - Schismatoglottis preitoi, Java fern attached to wood, Anubias bonsai attached to wood, red root floater
Hiding places - see plants
Food - whatever they find in the tank plus a half dose of Dennerle Shrimp King Complete every few days.
Tank mates - one striped Clithon snail. Which has a tuft of algae growing on its shell :rolleyes:
I have a similar set up but with a 5 gallon tank. Plenty of plants and hollow chalo wood tunnels. A mystery snail keeps the shrimp company.
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If it is available in your country. Try it, It's a real breath of fresh air, compared to conventional search engines.

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I have been quizzing Gemini for the last couple days on general aquarium keeping, a number of ornamental fishes I know well and kept a long time and, Cherry Shrimps, care, behaviors, nutrition, environment, growth, reproduction.

I love how the engine is able to follow the discussion to a pretty good level and is even able to understand the meaning of obscured questions. Also the way it takes in consideration the affirmations you provide.

The answers are straight forward, direct to the point and verifiable.

If it is available in your country. Try it, It's a real breath of fresh air, compared to conventional search engines.

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I just downloaded Gemini. I will give it a test run 🤓

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