Yes, good to know the length. For columnar tanks i would suggest quieter fish, meaning not active swimmers so forget the barbs and danio (most of which would be too large anyway, but generally too). With soft water you have good choices among the smaller rasbora cyprinids, or among the characins some of the pencilfish (Nannostomus marginatus, N. eques), or a dwarf tetra like the Ember (Hyphessobrycon amandae), or cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) or false neon (Paracheirodon simulans). Some of these have colour, some less so. All would appreciate twigs/branches, and floating plants. I would say only one species from these, as they are all shoaling fish requiring a group; but a substrate fish could be included such as the pygmy cory, Corydoras pygmaeus, a group of 7-9.