what goldfish


New Member
Apr 23, 2004
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hi all

i`ve got a 15 litre tank which i`ve set up all ready for my sons first goldfish
i keep tropical so i`m starting him of early on how to care for them(he` 19 months old and loves watching them) :D
which is a good starter goldfish that do`esnt get to big.
All Goldfish are way way to big for a tank that size. I would suggest maybe a few White Cloud Moutain Minnows or Golden Minnows. :)
I agree, that tank size is not suitable. The first goldfish should have 20galls and then an additional 10 for each fish after that.

I don't even thing common, comets or shubunkins should be in tanks.
schzaam said:
get a few red caps and a couple off gold fish so you have a bit off varity :D
What in a 15 litre tank? They wouldn't even have room to turn round after a while, you know that Goldfish can easily reach 10" in the correct conditions and live for 20+ years?
maybe he thought it was 15 us gallons, which would be suitable for a fantail.

I have to agree with everyone though, if my maths is right 15litres=3us gallons=way too small for a goldfish.

How about a betta! They are pretty and can be quit entertaining! and are easy to care for, hardy, etc etc etc!

Good Luck, and congrat :clap: to you for getting your children into the hobby early! I plan to do the same when I have little ones of my own, so they don't make the same mistakes I have made when i was younger!

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