What Fish Is It? (No Pics, But Would Like An Id)


Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2013
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When I was very, very young my mother bought a 2.5 gallon tank with blue and purple gravel, a plastic plant, a broken-jar ornament, a filter, heater and air pump and stocked it with-gasp-a Bala Shark (which she loved, but died right away of course), and God knows how many other fish. I can only remember "Sharkie" and this other fish, "Hex", who was the only survivor of the tank catastrophe.
Anyway, I remember he was a reddish orange color that softly blended into yellow (I think that was at the tail). I think I was told he wasn't a tropical fish and was a Chinese Rainbowfish or some such thing, but I can't remember the exact ID. Anyway, I grew attached to him (even though I didn't really like fish at the time; I might have been 4 or 5 and I still remember him) because he grew sick in the tank, so my mom thought it was the tank and cleaned out an old container that had previously housed roasted cashews. It turned out to be just what Hex needed to get well lol. I have no idea why that is.
Anyway, any guesses as to his ID? His body shape was a 'flattened block' somewhat like a cichlid's but softer and straighter. He did seem to have the general rainbowfish shape. He didn't have any snout, though, if I remember correctly; he had a "pointy" face. The best way I can describe his body shape is an equilateral triangle head attached to a rounded rectangle body lol...
Honey Gourami (Trichogaster Chuna)?
A Honey Gourami? Looks quite a lot like that, if I remember correctly (it's been so long..!)
How big do those get? Mine was really small. Maybe 1-2"... I don't think the first picture resembles Hex as closely...But I could be wrong, I was so little back then

Can they be kept with angels? I want to own one again so bad!! <3
A Honey Gourami? Looks quite a lot like that, if I remember correctly (it's been so long..!)
How big do those get? Mine was really small. Maybe 1-2"... I don't think the first picture resembles Hex as closely...But I could be wrong, I was so little back then 

Can they be kept with angels? I want to own one again so bad!! <3
Yeah they're only little, probably only 2". I've never kept them, I assume they'd go fine with angels, so long as the angels are breeding and the tank is large enough. 
Lunar Jetman said:
Hopefully not, a 2.5 gallon for a boseman would have been like a coffin!
Nah, definitely wasn't a Boseman, and probably not a rainbowfish at all, the shape is very different...I was told he survived because he wasn't a tropical fish and that he was a rainbowfish, but now, upon seeing that picture I'm certain he was a honey gourami. Or a very similar fish, at any rate :D
Nah, don't think so either. I don't remember Hex having long, flowy fins, nor bars of any other color...
I'm pretty sure that's some sort of gourami.  Looks like a honey gourami.  I agree with the other people who said that as well.
I think so as well. Hex's being a labyrinth fish would also explain why he was the only survivor from that failed tank. I think I have a picture somewhere, but finding it won't be easy. I'll try to dig it up ASAP. Thanks! :D

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