What Do You Think?


New Member
Aug 16, 2012
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Hi guys,

I joined yesterday and got some advise last night, which was much appreciated. Basically I've lost 2 make guppies and 3 neon tetra's in the past 2 weeks :( The guppies were being treated in the store just before I brought them and I'm thinking they we not fully healthy when added to the tank. The tetra's are abit of a mystery, they seem healthy but 2 died with no warning just found them, they looked fine! The third I had to remove today as it was gasping, it had lost colour and looked like it had some white flaking on it's scales, I think it might have been neon tetra disease?

All my readings are fine (nirite 0, nitrate 0.1, ammonia 0, ph 7.0) and the other fishes seem healthy (2 sailfin mollies, 1 sailfin plec, 3 female guppies, 1 male guppy and the remaining 2 tetra) except I was worried the guppies gills looked pink, today they don't look as prominant. I've also stopped treating them until I know what is wrong for sure. Do you think there's anything else I should be doing?

Thanks for your help guys x
Hi Tom,

The tank was brand new with new filter etc, 4 weeks ago, I added a biological supplement thing from the aquatic centre to boost the cycle time and only added the hardy fish they recommend 14 days ago x
Please do another water test & post your readings.

What kind of test kit are you using?

Also please post all your stats, water temp, ph, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia.

Once we have this information then we can hopefully help.

yes, please do test again. :) Your tank could be having an Ammonia Burn.
How big of a tank? Did you do a 50% water change when your fish died? Is he 'breathing' ok? my guppies died from ammonia when i first started tropical fish so your fish is trying to breathe air so if you have a air pump turn it on now
Hi guys
Sorry for the delay. I'm using a liquid test kit, my tank us 125l, water temp is a constant 26'c, ph is constant at 6.9, ammonia is 0, nirite is 0, nitrate is 10pp/l. I have a fluval internal filter a U3, also a air pump attached to a long air brick.

I think that's everything, I forgot to say I have 4 baby guppies in the tank in a hatchery, I'd have thought if there was ammonia poisoning going on they would have died first being the smallest and weakest, or is that too naive?

Thanks in advance! X

Please do another water test & post your readings.

What kind of test kit are you using?

Also please post all your stats, water temp, ph, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia.

Once we have this information then we can hopefully help.


Oops forgot to say have been doing a 25% water change twice a week, did a 50% change when I lost 2tetras this week. Ive been using a dechlorinator, and that has being reading 0 on my test kit.
I personally would never put anything that's "being treated" in my tank. I've never had much luck treating small fish for *anything* and certainly wouldn't
add them to my tank and risk spreading the disease.
They said they had finished treatment, and I didn't know until after I had brought them :(

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