The tank is an 8 footer and will be set up as a dirt riparium, i.e. a riparium with also submerged plants that are rooted in soil. The capcity should be between 900 and 1000 litres.
8 discus (I'm thinking leopard snakeskin, but also wild-looking wouldn't be amiss)
30 rummynose tetras
20 corydoras sterbai
5 bristlenoses
I will see whether to increase these numbers or add different species.
I wouldn't mind a shoal of marbled hatchetfish, but the tank will be open-topped, and I don't want to spend my time picking them up from the floor.
I was thinking about blue rams, but in my previous discus tank the corys were breeding happily and from 12 grew to well over 30 where the number stabilised. I don't know if they'd be able to breed like that with rams around.
What do you think?
8 discus (I'm thinking leopard snakeskin, but also wild-looking wouldn't be amiss)
30 rummynose tetras
20 corydoras sterbai
5 bristlenoses
I will see whether to increase these numbers or add different species.
I wouldn't mind a shoal of marbled hatchetfish, but the tank will be open-topped, and I don't want to spend my time picking them up from the floor.
I was thinking about blue rams, but in my previous discus tank the corys were breeding happily and from 12 grew to well over 30 where the number stabilised. I don't know if they'd be able to breed like that with rams around.
What do you think?