What do you think of this betta?


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
I know its all kind of a matter of personal preference ... but I want to know what you all think of this betta. I took a little "adventure" to the other side of town today, and after driving around the block 3 times finally found this LFS. They have an *awesome* selection of saltwater fish, and some very clean, nice freshwater too.

Anyway, I spotted this betta in one of those isolation tanks that hang over the side of a big tank ... and I was in love. I didn't get him b/c I didn't have anything to PUT him in, and I didn't want to bring him home and dump him in a jar or something. But I might go back and get him tomorrow ...



Those pics were taken with my cellphone so they're not great. But he's red white and blue (should be named "Patriot" I think haha)! He's a crown-tail right?
yeah he is in a betta vision they should outlaw those damn things. I bought 4 thinking they were big and they are tiny.....I was so mad...I use them to float fish in another tank now.

Yes a CT and he is awesome
Haha looks like I'm making another trip out there after work tomorrow!! I can't resist.

I think he'll still be there -- this shop is seriously in the middle of the worst part of town. *Sigh* At least I know where I'm going this time. ;)
Melfice said:
Man...where do you get cool Betta's like that! I can't find any like that around my home.
This one is at a LFS called "Sea Cave". They're actually known for saltwater aquariums, coral, & such. I just went in there on a whim (I don't have any saltwater tanks) and they had a few freshwater tanks too. They had 9 bettas total, some VTs and some CTs. Ths one was really the prize though. :)

I think he'll be there tomorrow, because the vast majority of their customers don't come in looking for freshwater fish (plus, its not a very busy store). They closed at 7 tonight, plus the shop is (unfortunately) in a really bad part of town, so I'd rather go back tomorrow in the daylight. ;)

I'm *so* excited haha.
They closed at 7 tonight, plus the shop is (unfortunately) in a really bad part of town, so I'd rather go back tomorrow in the daylight.

good idea, you wouldn't want someone jumping you for your betta :p jk, i know i would if i saw anyone with him .... i mean .... :shifty:
Final Dynazty said:
I named my betta pratiot.
lol, um, where did this come from? -_- :lol:

Anywho, he is gorgeous, I would most definetely get him. Be sure to get more pics of the bettas, if you can!

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