What Do You Feed Your Bolivian Rams?


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2012
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As the title says i would like to know what you guys/gals feed your Bolivian rams. I got three Bolivian rams on Saturday. I feed my tank Aqueon flake food and when I feed the tank they do not eat any. Yesterday i thought there were finally eating but they just spit it back out. Now today they all looked at me through the glass like "why arnt you feeding us!?" Its sad and frustrating. =/ so again i would like to know what you feed your Bolivian rams and see if i can't figure something out! 
When I had mine I fed it flakes and occasionally bloodworms as a treat but if yours is not accepting the flakes then I would try cichlid pellets.
Yea flake food is not adequate for any member of the Cichlid family, they need more complex proteins as most are omnivore/carnivore, leaning towards carnivore.  The Rams first off will not eat off the top of the water, so a good sinking food is adequate.   The catfish wafers can be broken up, you can give them the cichlid pellets that eventually sink, or their favorite is frozen bloodworms.  The bloodworms sink right away and they GOBBLE those things up!!
I've got some pictus cats in with mine and they eat their small sinking pellets, mine eat the flake food too when it settles on the bottom, they have gorgeous colours so I must be doing something right ;-) they love bloodworm too.
Yea they do look great!!!!  My roomates rams don't have the nice irradescent pink/purple on them yet, its barely visible, they are still young though!
I feed mine frozen daphnia and occasionally, although less now, bloodworm.  I also use a cocktail of sinking pellets, wafers and regular micro-pellets for my tetras which they also eat.  They eat everything.
alright thanks guys, Ill try and buy some cichlid pellets today or tomorrow. I release my flake food under the surface of the water because none of my fish like to eat off the top of the water. Probably has something to do with my tank being really tall. So they can access the food easily enough. I threw in some shrimp pellets yesterday and it looks like they were all gone after a few hours so hopefully my rams fed off of those for now. Ill throw some in tonight and watch closer to see if they will eat those. I also have some freeze dried blood worms but they always float. Any ideas on how to make them sink? Soak them in tank water before hand? Thanks for you help guys
Well a little update. I was able to run into town today and get some frozen bloodworms. I have freeze dried bloodworms which I soaked in tank water for 10-15 minutes before putting into the tank. My other fish ate them up no problem but my Rams still didn't take it. Although they looked more interested than I've seen before. So I went ahead and tried the frozen bloodworms when I got them home they were already thawed out so i put them in some tank water for 3-4 minutes before adding them to the tank. SUCCESS! although each Ram only ate 3 or 4 worms they still ate which makes me happy! I think I'm going to feed bloodworms every other day, and swich between frozen and freeze dried every other feeding. How does this sound to you guys? 
Oh and before I get scolded for adding too much food. I tried the freeze dried bloodworms before I went to town. So there was about a 2 hour gap between feeding. Hopefully with blood worms my fish will show even more color than they do now. 
I hardly ever see my rams eat and they have coloured up nicely so they must be eating ;-) I give flakes and catfish pellets regularly, and bloodworm every now and then when I have some in ;-)
laurac94 said:
I hardly ever see my rams eat and they have coloured up nicely so they must be eating ;-) I give flakes and catfish pellets regularly, and bloodworm every now and then when I have some in ;-)
oh good. I see them sifting through the sand once and a while but by then my snakeskins have normally gone through and gotten everything. I don't see a loss of color at all and its been a week now. So they must be eating something. Would you recommend that I feed cichlid pellets/flakes as well as normal flake food?
Like they said, pellets or sinking wafers, something that will make it to the bottom.  The pellets can be presoaked, then you give them a little squeeze before you drop them in and they will sink right to the bottom.

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