What Do You Consider 'essential' Treatments Or Medications For


Fish Botherer
Dec 8, 2012
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Aside from the usual dechlorinator/water conditioner, what bottles do you consider essential to keep stocked ready to hand? Or conversely, do you only ever go out and buy stuff when it becomes necessary?
I only buy stuff when I need it.

A lot of the active ingredients in medications will denature if you keep them for a long time, and if the illness is so severe that you can't get to an LFS before the fish start dropping, then it's probably not treatable anyway.
What sort of things do you treat with aquarium salt?
I originally thought it was only for marine tanks
White spot or any kind of wounds its good for. Adding some salts and increasing the temp by a couple of degrees is usually enough. Thankfully its not something I've had to do very often.

Edit. I think aquarium salt and salt used in marine tanks are different. I may be wrong though?
I see that you can get small packs of aquarium salt in Tetrapak cartons... like this http://www.seapets.c...arium-salt.html

Will it last a long time after you open the carton?

It seems that marine salt is sold seperately from the medicinal aquarium salt, also I spotted a special Livebearer salt for making brackish conditions. I am planning to stock livebearers (platies & guppies) but I think it's only mollies that really need brackish, so I didn't think I'd need that.
Aside from the usual dechlorinator/water conditioner, what bottles do you consider essential to keep stocked ready to hand?

nothing.....declorinator only......and i dont always use it
Aquarium salt is a nice tonic if your fish gets into a stressful situation.   It is also a nice solution for dealing with ich.  BUT, it can't be used with salt senstive fish  - scaleless.  Its a rock so it doesn't go "bad".  I've only had to use once since I bought it over a year ago.
Lots of clean water here, nothing else really stocked.
I keep some cichlids and they often nip the fins of others when breeding, so I often put some melafix in after a water change to help them heal up quicker. Also, I think it makes the tank smell really, really nice as an added extra!

Other than that I don't have anything extra. For awhile when I set up my new tank I had a few white spot outbreaks so I kept some of that treatment to hand, but haven't had to use it fr a long time now. And the other poster is right, they do go off after awhile and they are too expensive IMO to always have them 'just in case'.
I have bought a few different medications recently for different problems in my tank. Instead of things you have on stand by it would be nice if people could advise as to what is best for certain situations/diseases/problems? For example I use King British WS1 formula for white spot as its the first thing I tried and had great results. But when you experience a new illness or problem in your tank it can be a bit baffling knowing what is best to use!
I have at my disposal potassium permangenate and methylene Blue.

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