What Do We Think? Some Opinions Needed On Sa Cichlid


Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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Some of you may know I lost my female laetacara curvicep cichlid by accident (she jumped out of the tank and I didn't see her do it) This has left my male pining. He's lost colour and just seems 'lost'. It's about 2 weeks since I lost his 'mrs' and I've been half expecting to lose him to stress but he seems to be surviving.
I've been to Maidenhead Aquatics today and asked for an opinion there on what I should do and they've suggested adding 2 females and seeing if he will accept one - returning the other if he does.
This would mean losing money as there's no money back guarentee but the guy at MA did say he could see if he could get me a couple of females for me to try but they could be expensive 
 Sounds about right 

So I thought I'd ask for opinions here aswell. I know from experience that getting him to accept a new mate is going to be difficult and getting two females does seem a sensible suggestion ... I know leaving him alone is also an option but I've noticed my male angel is starting to bully him a bit now he's on his own and that's not an option either
I think I need help 
You have other options. Buy one and if he rejects her, then trade her for another. Or, sell your male and look to buy a new pair. Perhaps the store would take him in trade for such a deal?
Akasha72 said:
Some of you may know I lost my female laetacara curvicep cichlid by accident (she jumped out of the tank and I didn't see her do it) This has left my male pining. He's lost colour and just seems 'lost'. It's about 2 weeks since I lost his 'mrs' and I've been half expecting to lose him to stress but he seems to be surviving.
I've been to Maidenhead Aquatics today and asked for an opinion there on what I should do and they've suggested adding 2 females and seeing if he will accept one - returning the other if he does.
This would mean losing money as there's no money back guarentee but the guy at MA did say he could see if he could get me a couple of females for me to try but they could be expensive 
 Sounds about right 

So I thought I'd ask for opinions here aswell. I know from experience that getting him to accept a new mate is going to be difficult and getting two females does seem a sensible suggestion ... I know leaving him alone is also an option but I've noticed my male angel is starting to bully him a bit now he's on his own and that's not an option either
I think I need help 
Well, I'd suggest that while a money back guarantee may not be 'the norm', that it would be appropriate here.  Certainly he's looking to make some money on this, but he'll be making money on you if you buy ONE fish.   If he's not willing to bend the rules and give you a note signed by the manager that this arrangement has been made - I'd suggest asking for store credit to be given upon your return with the other fish.  And if they are unwilling to go that route, I'd just thank them for their time and their suggestion and let them know that you plan to find a store that WILL offer money back for the fish returned or at least a store credit.
I'm sure you can find someone who will be willing to help you.  But, in my experience, that scenario is much more likely to be acceptable to a 'Mom and Pop' shop rather than a chain.  Use the phone rather than driving all over kingdom come.   
selling my male isn't an option TTA, he's been with me over 3 years and it'd break my heart to sell him. Fact is that he could live for another 3 years yet and the thought of leaving him on his own for 3 years without a mate ... well that's as bad as selling him :(
This is such a difficult decision .... cuviceps are a non-aggressive cichlid so pairing him shouldn't be as traumatic as say pairing an angelfish but he could still reject a new female
Very true.  Sourcing an adult might be a challenge, but it might be worth an ad posted somewhere.  Any aquarist clubs near you?
eaglesaquarium said:
Any aquarist clubs near you?
Not that I'm aware of.
My usual lfs are really good at sourcing specialist fish but they also know these fish arn't popular and so I imagine they'd be concerned they'd be left with fish they can't sell just by trying to help me and I can't expect them to do that. I may have to keep going back to the lfs (a different one, I have at least 4 in my area) where my original pair came from in the hope they might get some more in. 
If I knew a breeder I'd contact them and ask for their help but I don't know anyone else with them. I gave my usual lfs all the fry I had from my original pair but I've no idea where they went from there :/
would the pet store house your male and see if he pairs up?  then you could buy the paired female.
When I worked at Maidenhead aquatics, we had a guy come in with a problem extremely similar to this and the manager was fine with housing the fish in a display tank with a couple other females we had sourced and we got a pair and that was with some electric blue JD's
well I did ask the guy at MA whether bagging my male and shoving him in an aquarium store tank with some females for him to choose was an idea and was told no, as fish behave differently away from their usual enviroment.
I doubt another male is a good idea ... surely they'd fight? 
Depends on the size of tank, curviceps are fairly peaceful for cichlids. 240 litre - I'm assuming thats 4ft or so? that could work
yeah, it's 4ft and heavily planted too. Curviceps are, as you say, really peaceful as cichlids go but I'd still be wary of two males in a tank ... and add into the mix my male angel ... could be okay but it could also be war.
I think given the replies and other opinions (and I'm still open to any further opinions and ideas) I'm thinking getting 2 females might be the plan. You never know he might accept them both and have a little hareem lol
Akasha72 said:
yeah, it's 4ft and heavily planted too. Curviceps are, as you say, really peaceful as cichlids go but I'd still be wary of two males in a tank ... and add into the mix my male angel ... could be okay but it could also be war.
I think given the replies and other opinions (and I'm still open to any further opinions and ideas) I'm thinking getting 2 females might be the plan. You never know he might accept them both and have a little hareem lol
Sounds like a plan!  

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