I am moving on Wednesday May 6th. Packing day is Tuesday. (Yes, I have already started)
I have 3 complete set ups (tank and stand, fish, filter, LED lights etc.) which I have posted on Craigslist, and local fish pages on Facebook, local online yard sales pages All three seetups have been up and running over a year. I include photos and details of filter, heater, lighting etc. One of these set ups I have had posted since March. I've dropped prices as of last Wednesday to the point that they are a steal; plus added: or best reasonable offer.
No one has contacted me. I don't know why. Worse, I don't know what to do with all these fish come Wednesday!
Has anyone dealt with this? I am really panicking about these fish!
Yes, my phone is working, other items I have to sell are moving.
I have 3 complete set ups (tank and stand, fish, filter, LED lights etc.) which I have posted on Craigslist, and local fish pages on Facebook, local online yard sales pages All three seetups have been up and running over a year. I include photos and details of filter, heater, lighting etc. One of these set ups I have had posted since March. I've dropped prices as of last Wednesday to the point that they are a steal; plus added: or best reasonable offer.
No one has contacted me. I don't know why. Worse, I don't know what to do with all these fish come Wednesday!
Has anyone dealt with this? I am really panicking about these fish!
Yes, my phone is working, other items I have to sell are moving.