What Can Go With Kenyi African Cichlids?


Mostly New Member
Sep 22, 2013
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I like the look of them and always wanted to start a community tank down the road so I was wondering what can go with them?
would cory cats and black phantom tetras be fine with them
If so how many can I have/tank size
I want
-5-6 black phantom tetra
-4-5 panda cory cats
-2 albino cory cats and 2-3 peppered cory cats
-2-3 kenyi african cichlids
If not what fish would go with afircain cichlids
african cichlids can only go with african cichlids.. and some types of plecos.. the tank must be large and there must be large numbers of cichlids.. and hiding spots etc... ( i dropped out of having cichlids because of the aggression.. couldn't take it :p)
also a kenyi cichlid is very aggressive.. i had one.. and oh my lord never getting it again.. 
you cannot mix community fish with aggressive fish.. will never work.
lol then do you know of any cool/coulorful fish that would do good with cory cats and black phantom tetras? Since my mom wants some colorful fish and I really don't want saltwater which she thinks would be cool so been trying to show her that tropical can be just as much fun and can be colorful. I know large tanks as I'm getting 80 gallon this week for my goldfish... I'm just looking for fish for later on like months and months away plus will do plenty of research so not stuck with too big of fish again like my goldfish but want a general idea of what to look into.

Also can the mix be any kind of African cichlids and how many would you suggest for a tank and how big around?
Also can african cichlids go with oscar cichlids? lol curiosity, Also what types of plecos can be with them? 
PitbullsAngels said:
Also can african cichlids go with oscar cichlids? lol curiosity, Also what types of plecos can be with them? 
I believe that oscars aren't african so no, they can't go together
ok... Also would this work Electric Yellow Lab, 2 Kenyi one male and one female, Peacock Cichlid, Red Zebra Cichlid. what tank size would this need? 

These are all Africans cichlids... lol I guess oscars are out as I dont think there African cichlids but I love the look of africans more then the Oscars  anyways. Lol getting Multiple tank syndrome . As I'm already getting my goldfish a large tank and want a cichlid tank and a tropical community tank XD My mom says I'm turning the house into a zoo.
i would say that more cichlids will pick on the cories, so if your mom wants colourful fish (mine does too lol) you can go with rainbows.. they are very beautiful.. and if you like the cichlid look then you can go for a type of ram.. a gold ram or german blue ram.. can't mix the two though.. the thing with rainbows is that that need around a 4ft tank.. big swimmers and are considered a community fish.
lol I was talking what would work for a full cichlid tank. Also rams are cool looking but havent seen any at my local pet store sadly :(

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