What Are Your Top 5 Fave Types Of Tetras?


Fish Crazy
Feb 19, 2014
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what are your top five fave type of tetras five being your least fave out of the ones you pick to 1 being you fave one out of the ones you picked my top 5 is
1. rummy nose tetra
2. splashing tetra
3. bleeding heart tetra 
4. emperor tetra 
5. neon tetra all types 
I love all tetras
Here are my 5 favorites
1. Flame tetra
2. Rummynose tetra
3. Cardinal tetra
4. Pristela tetra
5. Emporer tetra
Saw pics of Congo tetra and liked them best yet.
TallTree01 said:
I love all tetras
Here are my 5 favorites
1. Flame tetra
2. Rummynose tetra
3. Cardinal tetra
4. Pristela tetra
5. Emporer tetra
sweet all are great choices.  
1. Rummynose Tetra
2. Congo Tetra
3. Diamond Tetra
4. Neon Tetra
5. Emperor Tetra
Unfortunately I've only had the pleasure of keeping two of those (rummynose & neons) but the others are on my list for some day!
Ninjouzata said:
1. Rummynose Tetra
2. Congo Tetra
3. Diamond Tetra
4. Neon Tetra
5. Emperor Tetra
Unfortunately I've only had the pleasure of keeping two of those (rummynose & neons) but the others are on my list for some day!
1. Melon tetra
2. Emperor tetra
3. Card Tetra
4. Congo tetra
5. Duck
techen said:
1. Melon tetra
2. Emperor tetra
3. Card Tetra
4. Congo tetra
5. Duck
first of all what do you mean by "Duck" thats not a tetra and i looked it up as well as the card and the Mellon i cant fined any thing about them this better not be some sort of joke i want a real list
1) Diamond
2) lemon
3) columbian (never had these though, yet! )
4) Flame
5) Bleeding Heart.
Sepae Tetra
Cardinal Tetra  
Glowlight Tetra
Phantom Tetra
Bloodfin Tetra
In no particular order, I like them all 
1.rummynose tetras
2.diamond tetras
3.flame tetras
4.blue tetras
5.bloodfin tetra (if it's a tetra)
if not 5.ember tetra
Ember Tetra
Neon Tetra
Blue Tetra
Silver Tip Tetra
Up Duck
thelaw said:
1. Melon tetra
2. Emperor tetra
3. Card Tetra
4. Congo tetra
5. Duck
first of all what do you mean by "Duck" thats not a tetra and i looked it up as well as the card and the Mellon i cant fined any thing about them this better not be some sort of joke i want a real list
Why so serious? 
I like Extetras after being made aware of them by Yul Brynner in "The King and I"

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