What Are The Best Fish For A 190Ltr Corner Tank

Jun 27, 2012
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hi all it says it all in the title lol... i would idealy like some colourfull fish.. my aquarium is well planted and has a ship wreck.. not so keen on tetras and realy small fish... need some thing to eat the snails so genraly looking for top middle and bottom for a fuller look....
190L isn't massive so you're not going to be able to fit any really big fish in, and saying you don't like tetras and similar is incredibly limiting.

Livebearers are usually a good choice for a beginner and come in a wide range of colours. I have a dwarf gourami and he's very colourful.

I would recommend going to your local fish shop and seeing what catches your eye, then go home and do some research on those species.
CezzaXV has given you some good advice there :) I'd have to agree that your best option would be to go to your local fish store and if there is anything you like make a list of them and then research them online or ask on here for advice on them :)

You could look at dwarf gouramis, dwarf cichlids and smaller barbs. Also I know you've said you don't like tetras but there are so many different types to choose from and some are very nice and good to watch if in a big enough shoal (6 or more)

190 litres isn't much but there are still a lot of fish that would be suitable
What's wrong with tetra's? I had a shoal of black phantom tetra's and they were lovely until an accident with the tank killed everything. I am currently re-cycling the tank and the first thing to go back in is twenty BPT's.
What's wrong with tetra's? I had a shoal of black phantom tetra's and they were lovely until an accident with the tank killed everything. I am currently re-cycling the tank and the first thing to go back in is twenty BPT's.
Some people just like different things lol
hey there yes u are probly correct on the tetras, its the normal 1s im not so keen on... i have seen some black an white 1s that i like and im guessing there are a lot of different types from the replys, so i will look into it... i did have sholl of 10 harliquins which i rehoused with a friend as she always liked them they were prety big aswell considering how big they were when i got them... my trouble is i have to drive 20 miles to the aquatics shops so i dont like to come home empty handed but ive decided to get 4 yoyo loaches (there called pakistani loaches in the shop i go to ??) instead of clown loaches as im told my tank wont be big enough ?? even though they looked perfectly happy in there group of 3, which i also rehoused with a friend. not sure what im going to do with my silver tails and firemouths yet as my friends tanks are looking full with the fish i gave them... i have been told that fish will only grow to the space that is avalible so it will stump there growth... if this is the case then what are the problems with that??? im gonna list what i had in the tank b4... 2 striped angels, 3 clown loaches, 3 sucking loaches, 4 flyingfox, a common pleco, 10 harliquins, `10 white mollies which obviously increased over time the randy little buggers lol and a sholl of 10 of another type of small fish that i can remember the name of or find online ??? all the fish seemed happy and were all together for about 2-3 years with no obvious problems other than the sucking loaches would chase things out of the ship wreck lol... but thats normal for those fish...
It is true that fish will release hormones that to a certain extent will stunt their growth. The problem is while it can stunt them growing any bigger in size, their internal organs don't stop growing and they can literally grow themselves to death.
It is true that fish will release hormones that to a certain extent will stunt their growth. The problem is while it can stunt them growing any bigger in size, their internal organs don't stop growing and they can literally grow themselves to death.
+1 Cezza has this covered :) they stop growing on the outside but continue to grow on the inside which will cause deformity and early painful death... Not good.

If you like loaches then zebra loaches are a good alternative to clowns. :) unfortunately there really isn't an alternative for the sharks. All 'sharks' I can think of would need bigger tanks.
It is true that fish will release hormones that to a certain extent will stunt their growth. The problem is while it can stunt them growing any bigger in size, their internal organs don't stop growing and they can literally grow themselves to death.
oooooh gross well id better find them a new home then...

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