We've Had Babies!


Mostly New Member
Jul 28, 2013
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So one of my guppies have been acting strange lately, literally just lying on the bottom of the tank, not moving from the same area unless another fish got a bit too close, in which case she would just chase them off. I thought she wasn't very well so I've been keeping a close eye on her.
Then just this morning I was doing a standard water change and the bottom was moving! After I looked for a bit, I saw probably around 10 3-4mm fry darting around in the corner she has been protecting! I've managed to net 3 of them and put them in a breeding chamber thing I have, but the rest are eluding me, so I'll have to catch them tonight after work when I have more time.
This probably wont be a big deal for anyone else, but I feel a real big sense of achievement, I never actually thought this would happen! :D
Since I'm new to this 'Father' thing, what do I feed small fry? I have time to go to the pet shop before work, but what do I feed them?
Thanks for the help guys! :)
They really don't need any special food; just what the parents have, but crushed up small. And you'll need to change the water in the breeder box/net at least once a day; preferably twice, or the fry won't grow properly :)
Congratulations!!! Isn't it a lovely feeling???...I've recently found 9...my first too.. :0)
liquifry no 2 by interpet is great for livbearer fry. feed for one week then change to tetramin baby. ive had great results with endlers using this method. saves you grinding up flake every day. a note on the liquifry. it sometimes dosent disperse very well and comes out in a blob. just give it a swirl in the water and it wiil be fine. also you might try a turkey baster for catching your fry. works like a dream.lol
You're quite lucky, it's not like livebearers to protect their fry. Normally they try to eat them.....
the_lock_man said:
You're quite lucky, it's not like livebearers to protect their fry. Normally they try to eat them.....
I know! I was amazed when I found them, I was quite worried at first about it as I'd heard that Guppies will eat their young if there is a chance of them being eaten by something else...apparently she didn't fancy chomping her little'uns!
bigcheed said:
liquifry no 2 by interpet is great for livbearer fry. feed for one week then change to tetramin baby. ive had great results with endlers using this method. saves you grinding up flake every day. a note on the liquifry. it sometimes dosent disperse very well and comes out in a blob. just give it a swirl in the water and it wiil be fine. also you might try a turkey baster for catching your fry. works like a dream.lol
I've just been to Pets At Home before work (I know, curse my soul for giving them business) and bought some of the liquifry stuff, I'll use it tonight once I get the rest in the chamber. A turkey baster as in the paint brush looking things?
fluttermoth said:
They really don't need any special food; just what the parents have, but crushed up small. And you'll need to change the water in the breeder box/net at least once a day; preferably twice, or the fry won't grow properly
The chamber has slits in to allow for water flow, will I still need to put fresh in? And do you mean just like a few cup fulls to flush the older water out?
Thanks for the replies guys :)
Yeah, the slits really don't let enough water through to stop the build up of nitrate, and more especially hormones, that can stunt the fry. Try and get at least 50% of the water in there changed, every day; cupping in/out is fine; you can just use water from the main tank, as long as you change that water regularly.
The same goes for mesh/net breeding boxes, in case anyone else is reading and has that sort :) 
no not a basting brush. looks like a giant eye dropper. for squirting juices back in the bird. oo eeer.lol nip the end off to make a wider opening and you can suck up said fry and squirt them where you wish. dont worry they wont be harmed. tip from a fellow tff member.
fluttermoth said:
Yeah, the slits really don't let enough water through to stop the build up of nitrate, and more especially hormones, that can stunt the fry. Try and get at least 50% of the water in there changed, every day; cupping in/out is fine; you can just use water from the main tank, as long as you change that water regularly.
The same goes for mesh/net breeding boxes, in case anyone else is reading and has that sort
Ah I see, I'll make that a regular occurrance then! I'm determined to do a good job of this! Thanks! 

bigcheed said:
no not a basting brush. looks like a giant eye dropper. for squirting juices back in the bird. oo eeer.lol nip the end off to make a wider opening and you can suck up said fry and squirt them where you wish. dont worry they wont be harmed. tip from a fellow tff member.
You sir/madame may have just made my day. I never thought that a fish keeping forum would have a sexual innuendo so easily placed into it. I'll have a rummage through ASDA on the way home from work, I know we definitely don't have one! Thanks!
After what seems like the most intense tank clean ever, I've managed to net a total of 5 fry. Looks like they are the only ones that had the sense to hide and not become a midday snack for anyone else...survival of the fittest I guess! Currently have them separated into the breeding chamber I  have, though its a bit small so I might change it sooner or later for the larger net version in a few days, or I might go get myself a micro aquarium for my desk...just another excuse for a tank I guess!
Thanks for all the help guys! Really appreciate it! :)
Scratch that! 2 more made an appearance while I was lying in bed! Now up to 7! :D

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