Went To The State Aquarium ... W0w

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2006
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I live in NJ, and i went to the state aquarium and man was it amazing. Unfortunaetly couldnt get any pics because I didint have my digital camera :/
But as you enter the you see a massive aquairum ... maybe 2000 gallons or more with about 10-12 pace, 2 arowanes (i think asians), 4-5 stingrays and im pretty sure i saw a bichir in there. It was really amazing.
Then i saw all types of fish. Sharks (and it was like seaworld where you walked in a tunnel underneath between the tank so the sharks were swimming above you. You could even swim with the sharks but i was to scared :p
They had the regualr stuff like jellyfish freshwater alligator and such, so i wont bore you with that. But the cool part was they had this fish called dragon fish or something like that. Itv was amazinginly beutiful. It look very skiiny shaper like a dragon, and had like colorful leafs kind of things around it. If you go on google and type dragon fish it is the 1st image, but i think the image doesnt do justice.
They had a huge amount of saltwater tanks though. They had a 5 big lionfish along with other fish in 1 tank and the lionfish must have been atleast 8-10"
They had those fish you saw in finding nemo that stay in the dark with 1 light attached to them. You couldnt see their faces in the tank but you kept seeing the light go on. I saw moray's, and this fish that camouflaged with the rock. It was really cool.
But one of the best parts was that they had a 276,000 gallon tank. They had many sharks, and this one shark that only a few aquariums throughoiut the world held in captivity. But in that tank was HUGE turtles, fish, rays, and basically every fish :)
The cool thing was the rays looked as if they were flying through the water because i guess thats how they swim in the ocean and thats how the tank looked like the ocean :p
But my favorite part was the african chiclids area. They had atleast 200-500 african chiclids in a pretty massive tank. Maybe 4000-5000 gallons, and the tank had like a pondish looked to it. So you could see the top and the side view. And in that tank they had 4 hippos! Ya im not joking im serious. They were huge and they swam so close to the glass. It really looked like a river in africa. Beutfiul expeirence, and not one fish tank was unclean, or over-stocked. And ofcourse they didint have any dead fish in their tanks.
What a worthwhile expierence. For those who live in NJ or near NJ i think it is a amazing place to see. Its in camden, NJ and is the state aquarium of NJ.
So far the best i have seen :nod:
That sounds really cool. My wife and I were just as amazed the first time we went to our local zoo's aquarium. We ended up becoming members (basically like a season pass), so we can go whenever we want. One of the advantages to this is getting to see the fish change and grow. We were there this past Friday, and they have sort of a world theme, where they have a SW tank for each area of the world. One of the tanks is all Leafy Sea Dragons (like seahorses, but cooler), and we were getting ready to leave, but I noticed something in the water. There were THOUSANDS of babies! It must have just happened. They were everywhere. It was really amazing. Sorry, didn't mean to hijack, but thought I'd add my public aquarium story :)
Dang you must have been amazed and you the way you described it made me feel like I was there. :hyper: Boy I wish I could go there, it sounds awesome!!!!! Now you need to stand in the corner for an hour for not taking your camera then go there again tommorow and get some pics. :nod:
Well to bad you messed up and now you have to go back and get some pics. :hey: And who told you that you could talk or come out of your corner!? :rofl:
I live in PA. Havent been ther in about 9-10 years. I was thinking of going there someday soon.

I live about 45-55 min away.
Mankind, that's the Leafy Seadragon. The babies are tiny (quarter of an inch or smaller), but you can still see defined seadragon features on them. I'm gonna go back this week to see if they've taken them out, or if they're going to let some grow up in the main display tank.
Don't forget to take some pics of some most if not all the tanks for us, please, or at least the ones that appealed to you. :hey:
Durbkat, don't know if you were talking to me or not, but here's my old thread with a few of the pictures I took there (not many pictures actually, there's a ton more)
Yes I was talking to you but these are of the dallas aqaurium I thought mankind went to the state aquarium. :blink:
We went to different aquariums, I was just sharing my story about baby seadragons...
I gotta say that a trip to Chicago's Shedd Aquraium is more than worth it. It's the largest aquarium in the US. The place is AMAZING. It sits right on the lake and is gorgeous. The variety of life they have there is incredible, I suggest it for anyone.

The other aquarium I want to visit is Atlanta GA. They just built the largest single indoor aquarium ever. It's so big that they have a WHALE SHARK in there, yeah, it's a juvenile but they say that the tank is large enough to house it when it gets older. Where can I order a tank like that....tons of neon tetras.
I went to the shedd aquarium in chicago and I thought it wasn't worth it because all they have are dolphins, these white animals that looked like mini white whales, penquins, and a few otters, and maybe a few fish. It may be the largest but it certainly isn't the best. I liked the aquarium in gatlinburg its the best hads loads of awesome looking fish and they have massive sharks and very colorful fish. Its the best I've seen. :hyper:

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